View Full Version : Another question and need advice?

10-26-2010, 07:50 PM
Hey guys,

So after my heart test I have felt so much better!!Having normal results...I felt good for a week or so..

NOW, I am waking every morning feeling like I can not breath, I burp for hours. I get pains at the middle of my chest,heart burn,not any reflux really though nothing is coming back up. But I feel heavy in my chest alot! Pretty much 24/7. I tried prevacid, zantac,rolaids chewable and tums all. They either dont help,or not for long..

Any advice? My diets not changed and I dont smoke or drink???!?!Could this be anxiety from being an "air swallower"?It scares me every morning waking with heavy chest!!

10-26-2010, 10:41 PM

I just wanted to say that a lot of the time, when I get tests done for something I convince myself I have, it only helps for a little while. Then I move on to something new. It seems to me like maybe this could be what you're doing? And because you're focusing on it, you're getting more anxious and it's making the symptoms worse.. maybe? This is what I do, at least.
Also, I've recently been feeling like I'm swallowing too much air. It's sort of a weird feeling that I'm not used to, but the busier I am, the less I notice. So, I'm just telling myself it's anxiety. I hope it gets better or less noticable for you soon!

10-27-2010, 09:51 AM
Hey guys,

So after my heart test I have felt so much better!!Having normal results...I felt good for a week or so..

NOW, I am waking every morning feeling like I can not breath, I burp for hours. I get pains at the middle of my chest,heart burn,not any reflux really though nothing is coming back up. But I feel heavy in my chest alot! Pretty much 24/7. I tried prevacid, zantac,rolaids chewable and tums all. They either dont help,or not for long..

Any advice? My diets not changed and I dont smoke or drink???!?!Could this be anxiety from being an "air swallower"?It scares me every morning waking with heavy chest!!

Hey, anxiety does this to you! You have one test and your fine for awhile until you find something else to stress about.

I get all of those things as well, its most certainly an anxiety thing! It happens alot in stressed people. Honestly you have nothing to worry about!

A Scared Mom
10-30-2010, 10:06 PM
I reallyam glad that I am not the only onethat sufferslikethat. I have really bad anexiety and it all stems around medical things. The slightest twitch or ache in my body causes me to freak out. I have not always har this, it's only been the last few years. I wish that I could meet someone that had gone thru this and found a way to get it under control. If anyone has suggestions please let me know. I know what it's like, stay strong!

10-31-2010, 03:23 PM
I feel I am inching closer daily beating it... There for months I was dizzy and out of it 24 hours a day 7 days a week but its improved some from that

10-31-2010, 09:10 PM
I am going threw the samething if you read my other posts, I always fear i am going to die of a heart attack because of chest pains. I have had 5 test done on my heart and they all came back fine but yet i still fear that is going to happen. Really it is all in our minds, the past few days I been telling myself that I am ok and nothing is going to happen. This has been going on for awhile and if i was sick id be dead or really sick by now so that helps get my mind on the right track

11-05-2010, 11:17 PM
this may help some people...

I gave up on seeing normal doctors because they never help me with my anxiety... I just end up leaving the ER feeling stupid.

I started seeing a kinesiologist. If you never heard of it, google it.
She is an awsome, peaceful doctor who talks to my body to see why I feel the way I do.

She tied in that since being in the womb of my mother, twords my birth... I didn't want to live "here". And since I was a little girl, I never felt normal or good enough for anyone.

Long story short...
I have an hormonal imbalance which actually will cause anxiety and since seeing her, my anxiety has gotten better yet not completely. I still have the fears, pain, ext. But the chest pains, feeling as though I can't breath... hardly ever happen.

I've been on alot of vitamins, diet changes, ect. and I will probly need more time to fully balance my body, but it has deffinently helped deeing a doctor who doesnt think I am crazy.

11-06-2010, 12:38 AM
That is great, I am so glad it is working for you.

The one and only time I went to a doctor for anxiety, I was told I needed God in my life, and that Jesus would solve all my problems. And of course, if I left my "homosexual" lifestyle behind, things would go much better for me.

Needless to say, I never went back for the follow up appointment.


11-06-2010, 05:28 AM
Definitely indigestion! I get it all the time - my anxiety plays havoc with my digestive system.

Z that is horrible! Not all doctors are like that. My GP is fabbo - he understands he's out of his depth and just stays in the loop via my psych! He's been wonderful linking me with services though.

11-06-2010, 11:02 AM
Z i can tell you first hand that no real person of God should come at you in such a manner. I'm a Christian and though I share different views than you I would never judge for who you are. Thats no way to win a person over... its just rude, mean and judgmental.

as far as my doctor goes... thats what i love about her. she wont push any religion on anyone. she just wants to help get your body in order to function properly. i would recomend anyone seeing a doctor in her line of study. shes all natural too so no perscrptions, or huge bills.