View Full Version : Just got home from therapy...

10-26-2010, 11:20 AM
...and I expressed to my therapist how "normal" I felt yesterday that it actually freaked me out. She says that I am getting better! Music to my ears, although I am afraid of relapse. She showed me a chapter in her panic book that is called Fear of Getting Better. Never knew there was such a thing, but I went through it yesterday. It's just strange how a feeling you want so badly to come back, comes, then it makes your fearful.

10-26-2010, 01:28 PM
That's great that you are making progress!! I can totally see how people can fear getting better, at least when you consider some people fear losing weight (they might want to at first but, once their goal is in sight, they freak out and go back to their old habits), getting a promotion, you name it.

The therapist sounds like a good one, or at least a good match.

Wishing continued success for you!!

10-26-2010, 01:32 PM
Howdy Charm

Well done . You will get there .

can totally see how people can fear getting better

I don't think that its a fear . It a strange feeling because its something we haven't felt for so long . And what happens when you feel strange and you have anxiety . You start to question it . Is it this , is it that ??

I think what you have found now charm is a big factor in your recovery and a huge step towards it .

cheers kev :D

10-26-2010, 02:28 PM
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10-27-2010, 10:00 AM
...and I expressed to my therapist how "normal" I felt yesterday that it actually freaked me out. She says that I am getting better! Music to my ears, although I am afraid of relapse. She showed me a chapter in her panic book that is called Fear of Getting Better. Never knew there was such a thing, but I went through it yesterday. It's just strange how a feeling you want so badly to come back, comes, then it makes your fearful.

Thats excellent Charm! I think sometimes we relate the fear to being vigilant, like by being fearful we are protecting ourselves from something so when its gone its a defence is missing, even though its not a defence at all!