View Full Version : The Dear Thread

10-25-2010, 12:40 PM
So I was thinking of starting a little something on this forum, to get people more involved in posting and also just for a little fun. It is called The Dear Thread, and this is how it goes.

Dear ***

This is how I feel.. don't feel / I hate you / I love you / thank you for being kind.

Love, Zuena

And so we carry on. Blow off some steam, say thank you to someone you can't thank in person, or whatever is in your heart. Say it.

I'll start.

Dear M,

I miss you. So much.

Dear C,

Only two more months and I will see you my girl. I love you forever! Mum. x

Dear Boss.

Your irritate me, but you are a clever gal and one day soon you will realise that I am more than capable of doing my job without you looking over my shoulder all the time.

10-25-2010, 12:41 PM
Oh, and..

Dear Anxiety,

I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. Now sodd off.

Love, Zuena

10-25-2010, 10:17 PM
Dear former friend,

I think its nice how you got MAD at me over having heart test done so I couldnt watch your terrible acting child who was the meanest child ever and is never diciplined because you guys have more important things to do....I and gave you a week notice to find a new sitter.

Its also nice of you to write about me on topix.com as well after you knowing all our family has been though this year losing our child.

It wouldn't be so bad but your husband is on drugs and was mean to your and your kid and because mine has a job that pays money,not drugs you think I think I act "better" than people? Next time you want someones opinion on "should I leave him or not because he dropped our kid on the floor and threw him like a football when he was a tiny baby" dont come to me. I will give you my opinion! I am a very honest person, sorry about this. I am sorry you have to support your family while your lazy husband lays in bed all day because he is dumb and got a second chance at life and uses DRUGS. Some people just aren't thankful for this. I wish my daughter had got a chance to live!

Thanks so much! Have a nice life supporting your druggie husband who is mean to you and your child. I do not know what kind of person would let their child be around that..but I feel for him.

10-25-2010, 10:17 PM
Is THAT the type of thing you were referring to? I wasnt really sure if that was good or not lol

10-26-2010, 05:57 AM
Perfect. Just use it as a place to get out the good and the bad, or say something silly.


10-26-2010, 05:59 AM
Dear T,

I am sorry for hurting you, but I'd rather be honest before things go too far.

Dear House,

You need a good clean.. TONIGHT!

Dear Me,

One more hour.

10-26-2010, 08:34 AM
Dear anxiety,
Your a prick, and you have tested me more than I wondered I could handle. But I am surviving, and my future is in my control, not yours. The worst has been and gone, and I can forgive myself for getting me here in the first place. Young and stupid, if I had known better I would have stayed clear.
You are a part of me, and always will be. Rather than be my foe, be my friend and guide me as needed. I just won't give you too much power, because you tend to abuse it. Asshole.

10-26-2010, 09:43 AM
Dear Law and Order,
I needed a good laugh, thanks!

10-26-2010, 10:34 AM
Is THAT the type of thing you were referring to? I wasnt really sure if that was good or not lol

That was great. Wow, this person sounds like a piece of work!! I wish you could actually say all this to her!!!

10-26-2010, 10:54 AM
Dear Cousin,

You know darn well I am a hypochondriac. How insensitive of you to tell me I may "have something" (disease, condition, etc.) and maybe stress just aggravated it. I hope you know I was feeling better until that comment. Now, I am back to where I was again. People don't understand the power of their words!

From now on, please keep such comments to yourself. Don't think you are "helping me" by making me aware of such a possibility. Trust me, people with health anxiety go through every possible worst-case scenario - we don't need any of your help.

10-26-2010, 01:27 PM
Howdy all

Great thread , This is a site i found a while ago that is the same thing and updates every Sunday


Dear Paula

Thanks you for standing by me though all this , I know you don't really understand it at times but you have always giving me support and never questioned what is happening . I know its hard on you at times and sorry for being a cranky poo at times .

I love you forever

Dear kids

Sorry for being such a prick at times and thanks for your unconditional love. Some days you were the only things that got me though the day . I will always be here for you no matter what you do and become in your life. May your lives be happy and long and all your dreams come true .

Dear Ray and Kevin

Thanks for being mates and helping me though all this . It will never be forgotten .

Dear doctors .

You are not God . You need to see how much power you have and use this power for the better of man instead of just some ego trip .

What you did to me in that split second you wrote those few words on a pad change my life forever .

You need to remember that oath that you took .

I will continue with diligence to keep abreast of advances in medicine. I will treat without exception all who seek my ministrations, so long as the treatment of others is not compromised thereby, and I will seek the counsel of particularly skilled physicians where indicated for the benefit of my patient.

I wish for 5 minutes you could live the way you made me for those many months . Then maybe you would understand what a person is going through .

Most of all i forgive you .

I will never ever until i take my last breath walk away and stop helping the people you effect in your daily life with that stroke of your pen .

Dear God

Thank you for having faith in me . Thanks you for showing me the way out of this nightmare . I will always keep that promise i made until such time that you want me back .

cheres kev

10-26-2010, 07:55 PM

yea I do too! she is who intro. me and my hubby and she is in a bad situation with her and her kid...now her child gets to grow up this way..

she got mad when i was having all my ekg's echo etc done because I told her I couldnt watch her child....ughh that was the best thing i could have done her was really mean..the type that throws food and etc!!!UGHHHHHH

TALKING about making my anxiety worse..man I couldnt deal w him

10-26-2010, 09:59 PM
Dear everyone,

Have a lovely and carefree day. Thinking of you all!

Dear Wednesday,


10-28-2010, 06:33 AM
Dear M,

I am SOOOO tempted to mail you. Just to hear something from you, anything. It's been two months since I have last had contact with you, or heard your voice. But I won't mail you because I know I will regret it immediately. No matter how much I miss you, the moment of satisfaction in hearing your voice is no longer worth the days of heartache that follow.

Sometimes I have wanted
to throw you off
like a heavy coat.

Sometimes I have said
you would not let me
breathe or move.

But now that I am free
to choose light clothes
or none at all

I feel the cold
and all the time I think
how warm it used to be.

~ Vicki Feaver

Dear C,

I am sorry if I have been too quiet. I will make up for it. December is going to be fun, can't wait to see you!

Love, Mum

Dear S,

You can't possibly ALWAYS be right, you know. When I make a mistake, it is a MISTAKE, when you make one, it's because your blood pressure is low. Give me a break, lady.

Love and kisses,

Your EXTREMELY competent Assistant

Dear Friday,

Almost here!


11-01-2010, 12:03 AM
Dear Monday.

Hello. Now go away. :-P

Dear T,

Nice chat, who knew?

Dear N,

I am so sorry. So sorry. Guilty as charged.

Dear M,

Nice chatting to you this morning. After all this time, you still make me smile.

Dear Work,

A "Due to an incident, the building may have to be evacuated" announcement is NOT a good way for me to start the day.

Dear Me,

Soooooooooooooo proud of you!!!!!

Dear Everyone,

Have a lovely, peaceful, relaxing, anxiety free, amazing, productive week.


11-02-2010, 11:31 AM
Dear Doc

Thanks for the med you prescribed me which made everything worse. I wish I would have listened to my myself and not took those pills. I think i would have been ride of ANXIETY along time ago but now my thoughts our haunting me. Good thing i am a strong indivudual but I forgive you and the Lord will take it from here because he is the ultimate healer.

Dear Anxiety

Thanks for showing up when you did my life was a mess and I was heading down the wrong path. Since you showed up I now see how much my family means to me and how much they love me. It has strengthened my marriage and my relationship with my daughter. I am a better person now. I have learned to try and relax and to not get stressed out so much at the things I can not control even if at times you will not let me. I want to be more social now and have many friends which I didn't care to do in the past. I have found the Lord again which I didn't think would ever happen and I recently was baptised. My family said that they have been praying for this for a long time. I see life differently now and I have learned my lessen. So please anxiety let me go so that I can be the father and husband I need to be.

11-03-2010, 09:35 AM
Dear Boss,

You are a cow. Seriously, you have a problem. No wonder you have had 6 assistants over the last 2 years, and that the other girls in the Dept say they get no support or anything positive from you. And to think, I used to stand up for you and defend you. You have your head so far up your own ass, you are not even aware that there is a world around you. I hope they slap you down a bit in the meeting they called with you this afternoon when I left - it's about time. The fact that I do not freak out or get anxious when you find fault with every single thing I do or shoot down every idea I have, just shows how far behind I have left this anxiety.

Dear M,


Dear Me,

Snap out of it.


11-03-2010, 11:15 PM
dear God - I thank you that even when I don't feel it or have trouble believing it, you are there and you are in control.

Dear Mind- you can be very irrational and very brilliant, but I don't accept half of what you have to say, the world is real (im not in the truman show :D, and I WILL return to normalcy, every day is a step in the right direction .

11-19-2010, 10:15 AM
Dear Doc,

You are SO nice, you are mine from now on. :-)

Dear Boss,

Enjoy India - I know I will definitely enjoy the peace.

Dear Kittens,

The two of you are so CUTE, I love you to bits.


11-20-2010, 01:47 AM
Dear Friend

What you said to me the other day really hurt my feelings - especially when its at the time I probably have needed you more than ever. I wish, really really wish, that you would start thinking before you speak. I wish that you would stop acting like a b!thcy teenager sometimes. I wish you would climb down from your unicorn and get your head out of the clouds and start acting like the adult that you are. Its not always about you.

11-28-2010, 03:28 AM
Dear Spammers,

Fek off!

Dear Admin,

You said the forum is changing ownership. Is this (the spam and such) what we have to look forward to now? I hardly come on here anymore.

Dear me,

Take it easy. Tuesday.

Dear L,

Tired of feeding your ego lady, go get your attention elsewhere.