View Full Version : chest pain when stressed

10-25-2010, 11:24 AM
Do any of you ever burp and have some chest discomfort when really stressed?Like say for example your child is screaming and crying over nothing....and the entire time your thinking to yourself, "dont stress out, dont you do it". But you burp alot and have some discomfort??

Freaks me out,I am like OMG what if I just fall over dead from heart attack!

10-25-2010, 12:14 PM
Howdy jj1983

your child is screaming and crying over nothing

Your gotta love them dont you . :lol:

Dont worry about it , There is not a parent out there that their kids dont stress them out at times . You just have to let it pass and dont add the thoughts to it .

"dont stress out, dont you do it".

Why not ?? Your human right ?? Just because you have anxiety you cannot expect not to react to stress . Remember with anxiety you just over react . So see it as that and learn to just let it go and take 5 for yourself when stressed .

cheers kev :D

10-25-2010, 12:44 PM
I must say, something that I have noticed lately is that we think that because we suffer from anxiety, we can NEVER feel bad, irritated, sad or any not so cool emotion because in our eyes if we do, we have "lost control" and "something is wrong with me." We forget that we are only human.

Be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to feel.


10-25-2010, 09:29 PM
This is true...I tend to "over worry" how I feel. (example: My chest feels heavy) OMG what if this is signs of heart attack and I fall over and die and leave my kid motherless..

or (example: I feel faint feeling) what if I have some unexplained illness that we didn't know I have like cancer of some sort and I just die...

I can WHAT IF everything to death huh?I think we all do/can.

10-26-2010, 02:13 AM
I can WHAT IF everything to death huh?I think we all do/can.

You know this is not a bad thing to have in your life you just have to learn to use it well .

Stop looking at the past and start using this analyzing of things to Analise things you can do to recover from anxiety , stress and improve your life .

cheers kev :D