View Full Version : Close your eyes...

10-25-2010, 09:41 AM
This morning I read one of Kev's posts where he says that sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses. It made me wonder...

All of us are so caught up and worried about our issues and anxiety, when was the last time you just closed your eyes and enjoyed one of the simple pleasures in life?

I find myself smiling when I am on the bus in the morning, and I listen to the driver happily whistle to a tune on the radio. Or watching a little girl on the street showing off that inborn African rhythm, dancing to music only she can hear. And of course the multitude of colours I see when I walk through town, made up by hundreds of umbrellas that we use to protect ourselves from the fierce African sun.

What made you smile today? What made you close your eyes, take a deep breath and just feel happy to be alive?


10-25-2010, 12:33 PM
HOwdy Zuena :D

All of us are so caught up and worried about our issues and anxiety, when was the last time you just closed your eyes and enjoyed one of the simple pleasures in life?

You know this is a life thing . It just the way life is for most people anxiety or not these days . We start or week off working our butts off so that we can have more than the person down the road . So we can pay for that huge house that we have were most of the rooms are empty .

We work out butts off to impress other people and don't take enough time for ourselves or the important things in our life like family .

What made you smile today? What made you close your eyes, take a deep breath and just feel happy to be alive

I think this is something we have to do everyday . I still suffer from depression at times because of the things that have happened the last two years . My emotions can be all over the place . I don't think it is depression so much as release . See i had a pretty hard upbringing and then the last two years happen . I think that for 35 years i shut myself off from things and refused to feel any emotions and now they are coming back.

I thank god everyday i come on this board that i somehow worked my way though anxiety . I thanks god every day that i could stand at the gates of hell and walk away from there .

I am in no means recovered from all this and really don't think that i ever will be as its something that is life changing but i thank god everyday for going though it . It has been a learning experience and something i think i had to go though .

I have gone from someone that lost everything . No house , no money , no health , there was really nothing more that i could have lost and today it makes me so greatful that i have moved on from that .

I guess that the fact that i am alive and mostly happy it enough for me .

I like coming to this forum . mostly because i like to help but there is also something in it for me . I see in people that come here just how far i have come as i use to be like everyone here and in fact i was much worst than many here .

I enjoy the roses , my girls smile , my wives smile . All the important things in life . Its just a shame it took so many years to see what was always before my eyes and for that i am great full that i see now .

cheers kev