View Full Version : fear of comitting myself

10-23-2010, 04:27 AM
The past two days my anxiety has been miserable I feel like I'm going to lose my mind I had bizarre thoughts of hurting people, depersonlization and I feel completely wrong and different in my own skin I started thinking about comittibg myself and o don't want to at all it scares the crap out of me. I've been sick for the past 2 days and haven't been eating well I'm not sure if this can make my anxiety worse but i felt great all last week I'm so confused I don't know what to do

10-23-2010, 07:49 AM

Can you try and think of what might have triggered it, after a week of feeling good?

Don't give in!


10-23-2010, 10:33 AM
I've had a cold and haven't been eating well and I saw a movie with a dude that was strangling another guy 2 nights ago had a panic attack and ever since then Ive felt like crap. Just this morning I had a bizarre thought thinking about this girl that heard screaming in her head I started imaging that I was doing it and I had the worst panic attack since I was 13

10-23-2010, 02:20 PM

I think that your problem is mainly based around this

bizarre thoughts of hurting people

Stop worrying about it , it is nothing but a thought and is very very common when people are under stress , It is so common that mothers may want to harm there babies .

The fact that this thought worries you so much say that you would never ever do it .

As for me in the early times of my anxiety i sat at the table with my wife , kids and in laws and had a thought what if i stabbed them all and how easy it would be do to . I worried about this thought for a while and it took me many months to be able to handle a knife again without this thought coming up .

Again you see the thing in this , it is only a thought and nothing more . Just see it as that and let it fade away .

Anxiety WILL NOT send you mad , make you lose your mind or morals and will never make you do anything that you would think is wrong .

So again stop worrying about it , take a breathe and relax because you are worrying about something that will never happen and take it from a person that had these thoughts , see it as that and let it fade away.

And to answer your question . Will not eating effect your anxiety . Of course it will . Anxiety is stress in both body and mind and being ill puts stress on the body . So go get some veggie juice to keep your energy up and stop feeding it with your thoughts .

cheers kev


10-23-2010, 03:09 PM
Thank u so much I've been checking this forum every five seconds to see if i got a reply I feel a lot betterthank you