View Full Version : death

10-21-2010, 11:22 PM
I found out today that this kid I used to know died. I went on my old friends facebook to see If it was true and it was. I was freaking out just picturing him in my head thinking he's just in the ground now. I looked at a picture she posted of him and read the comments and the kid that died commented on it the night before he died. I kept thinking well that is so scary he was just posting a comment all casually not knowing that he only had a few more hours to live. He died in his sleep. He was 21.I can't stop thinking about it and its bugging me out. Ahhhh :( this could happen to anyone! :(How do I stop freaking out about this?

10-22-2010, 12:58 PM
That's very sad, but no reason for you to think it might ever happen to you. That is an extreme rarity. You might as well worry about being struck by lightning. Could happen, but rare.

Choose to be happy and enjoy your life rather than choosing to suffer. Easier said than done, and I'm trying to take my own advice....

10-22-2010, 08:32 PM
lets hope it doesnt happen !
i do need to try to choose to be happy and not worrying.

worrying doesnt solve what your actually worrying about it just causes distress:(

10-23-2010, 01:57 AM
Finding out that someone close to you died and especially when you can go to FB and read his "last words" is very traumatic. It makes us aware how fragile life is and how we are all here on grace alone. Anything could happen to any of us at any moment. It reminds us of our own mortality.

I don't think your reaction is so much "freaking out" as just being deeply touched and affected by the fact that this friend died so suddenly. Be kind to yourself - it is ok to feel sad and be freaked out by this. You are only human, after all.


10-25-2010, 10:28 AM
I found out today that this kid I used to know died. I went on my old friends facebook to see If it was true and it was. I was freaking out just picturing him in my head thinking he's just in the ground now. I looked at a picture she posted of him and read the comments and the kid that died commented on it the night before he died. I kept thinking well that is so scary he was just posting a comment all casually not knowing that he only had a few more hours to live. He died in his sleep. He was 21.I can't stop thinking about it and its bugging me out. Ahhhh :( this could happen to anyone! :(How do I stop freaking out about this?

I get like this too. FREAKS me out. And here I thought I was the only one....and the FB thing - happened to me not long ago too. Found an old classmates FB who had just passed. Read their wall posts and they had plans just a few days later on. Scary, sad, etc.
I constantly think of death and dying. I wish I didn't. I guess we just have to make every second count. I dont know how else to handle it.