View Full Version : Taking over my life.

10-20-2010, 03:14 AM
So yesterday morning i ended up at the doctors again, to be told that I have bad anxiety, I am well and I need to look after myself. The doctor also gave me a number to call for CBT which I started the ball rolling this morning. I thought I was ok them yesterday evening I had two very stabbing pains in my head which totally frightened me and I felt really sick. Then when it was bed time I couldn't sleep I was so restless, then the same restless feeling this morning when I woke up. I think it's constant fear. I clarified my symptoms with my doctor yesterday; headaches, floaters, jerking at night and she said it was all anxiety. She wanted to put me on meds but I'm breastfeeding so can't take anything (and I don't want to go down that road!) I am so scared all the time that the doctors are wrong and of course everytime I get so much as a twinge in my head I'm a wreck. This is affecting my marriage now. My husband doesn't understand and I am so different I used to be so laid back and happy I'm not functioning anymore and my kids and husband deserve more.

10-20-2010, 03:19 PM
Your hormones could be playing a huge part. A woman's body can go crazy after childbirth.

I have heard good things about CBT so I hope you do give it a good whirl. Good luck!!

10-21-2010, 12:13 AM
So yesterday morning i ended up at the doctors again, to be told that I have bad anxiety, I am well and I need to look after myself. The doctor also gave me a number to call for CBT which I started the ball rolling this morning. I thought I was ok them yesterday evening I had two very stabbing pains in my head which totally frightened me and I felt really sick. Then when it was bed time I couldn't sleep I was so restless, then the same restless feeling this morning when I woke up. I think it's constant fear. I clarified my symptoms with my doctor yesterday; headaches, floaters, jerking at night and she said it was all anxiety. She wanted to put me on meds but I'm breastfeeding so can't take anything (and I don't want to go down that road!) I am so scared all the time that the doctors are wrong and of course everytime I get so much as a twinge in my head I'm a wreck. This is affecting my marriage now. My husband doesn't understand and I am so different I used to be so laid back and happy I'm not functioning anymore and my kids and husband deserve more.

Hey Em,

Everything you mentioned are completely normal, most people experience weird head and neck pains, it doesnt mean anything. Everyone gets the them, the only difference is in the way you react to it. If you brush it off as nothing it wouldnt effect your life or marriage or anything but when you give into it it takes control! Dont let it! :D

10-21-2010, 05:28 AM
Thank you for your replies, i think i may have a bit of post natal depression thrown into the mix. Never knew how sneaky brains could be trying to convince me that everyone i have spoken to is wrong and that there is something really wrong with me. Knew symptoms shown up today, which are hearing going a bit quiet and achy arms and legs but ive had achy legs for years and ive been sleeping on the sofa for three nights with unwell children so that cant of helped. It really is reassuring when someone responds to my posts so thank you, it makes me realise that im not on my own. x

10-21-2010, 01:11 PM
Hi Emma

You should try and get your hormones tested .

I would also look at getting some supps into you . You sound like you could do with some magnesium .

Magnesium helps to body calm down and it also would help with your achy legs. I would also make sure you are eating well and get as much rest as you can ( with the kids that is :lol: ) . I would also take a good multi vit .

Take them for a few weeks and see if there is any difference.

The magnesium is best in powder form .Twice a day in water , morning and night 1/2 teaspoon in morn and 1 at night . If it is to much and you get belly ache then back of a bit .

Others you could try are omega 3 , amino acids , Vit C and also if your moods are a problem there is a powder called Tyrosine which would help with that .

Most important take some time for your self and rest and if hubby doesn't understand then hand him the kids and let him see what you do . Hubbies ( thats me :lol: ) often forget what a wife goes though, kids can be a hand full at the best of time so it alot harder when your sick .

They are all safe for breastfeeding

cheers kev :D

10-21-2010, 04:45 PM
The magnesium is best in powder form .Twice a day in water , morning and night 1/2 teaspoon in morn and 1 at night . If it is to much and you get belly ache then back of a bit .

It can also give you the runs. :/

10-21-2010, 04:56 PM
Heck ya it can,I take 1 pill a day and it will def. give ya the poops, but after having a baby alot of people NEED that anyhow..so

10-21-2010, 05:17 PM

Thats why you take powder and not pills because you can reduce it .

cheers kev :D