View Full Version : Again and again

10-19-2010, 05:39 PM
Every time things are going great with anxiety for 2 weeks or more anxiety tends to work its way back into my life one crazy symptoms at a time. its driving me insane. how can anxiety go well for so long and then just decide to show up.

for those of you that dont know i have been battling med free for 2 years


10-20-2010, 03:04 AM
Hi Mamma

So what has changed ? What has made you stress out again after going well for a while .

What is making you start to feel anxious again and what is your thinking doing ?

cheers kev


10-20-2010, 03:21 PM
Do you think your cycle has anything to do with it?

Congrats on being medication free!! I think that's hte best way to do it in the long run. I've heard of people going through serious anxiety withdrawals when quitting - and you certainly don't want to stay on them - not healthy.