View Full Version : who do you tell?

07-12-2006, 05:27 AM
im really new to this. just found out i probably have agoraphobia and social phobia.. anyways, havent told anyone yet. but I was just curious who you usually tell this stuff?

I mean, I have friends, and I bet they look at me kind of weird.. could be the phobia stuff talking.. but anyways bet they wonder why I never come visit and stuff.. even when they invite me.. but I just cant get me to take the bus or train to where they live.. so i usually come up with some dumb excuse or something.. or just say that im too busy. which is kind of a lie, since I have agoraphobia and usually do like... nothing :roll: :)

but yeah.. who do you tell? and when do you tell?

07-12-2006, 06:24 PM
I know how that is, I'd always have my friends over but I'd never go over to their place if I could help it. Only had a couple friends though and they know I'm stubborn, heh.

I supposed it'd be good to tell your friends and family, though that may make them want to 'include' you more in outings and such so that could be bad if you've got Social Phobia, etc real bad.

I personally though haven't told anyone. Like I said, I'm stubborn. I'll go through hell before I admit that I have serious problems to anyone in real life. :oops:

07-13-2006, 07:19 AM
lol, yeah.. so far the only ones who knows are a girl I met on the internet. ive also told two friends of me. starting to regret that though... but felt they should know, since they are kind of close, and I think that they must really wonder whats up with me these days :? one of them said it explained ALOT, so.. hope its for the best that they know. just hope they dont start to act too diffrent around me..

EDIT: oh man... im so dumb.. i forgot to add the "Noone what so ever" option in the poll. blah... stupid stupid stupid... :roll: :P