View Full Version : Anxiety and work

10-18-2010, 02:13 PM
Just wondering how everyone on here deals with going to work? I've just been diagnosed with anxiety with depression (that came to a head last week, at work) and have been given a sick note for 2 weeks off. It was such a relief, but I'm already worrying about going back even though its not for another 2 weeks. What will people think of me? Will I be able to cope? What if I have another anxiety attack?

10-18-2010, 02:37 PM
I am sorry you are going through this. I was dealing with the same thing several months ago. I am not sure what to tell you it was hard to come back to work. When I came back i could not concentrate all i could think about was what is wrong with me and how was I going to get over it. It was scary for me because I loved my job and the people i worked with and I have a family I have to support.
I was having high anxiety almost all day long to the point i had to be put on medication. This is the hardest thing I have ever dealt with and I hope and pray that god will help me overcome this illness. The med has helped but it took a long time getting there and I still have mild anxiety from time to time. I wish now i would not have taken the meds because they can cause other problems. I now deal with some OCD symptoms that I have never had before and they started when I took the meds after a weeks or two. So now I have that to deal with.

Here is the things that I think that has help me. Exercise, take vitamins and minerals, eat healthy, and think positive. Keep your head up no matter how bad it gets because it will get better it just take time a long time but you can get there.