View Full Version : Not well. Its coming back.

10-17-2010, 06:56 PM
Well a quick history. I'm 27, I've dealt with anxiety/panic on and off since I was 14. I was going thro a hard time throughout the summer, due to the fact that I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. (I have that under control now). But for the last 2-3 months I have been feeling pretty good. Until a few days ago. On Friday morning, after lack of sleep. I woke up into a full blown panic attack. I opened my eyes and I was in a state of fear. I felt far off from my body and all I could do was cry. I calmed down from that attack but since then I have been having horrible anxiety, I feel "derealization" pretty bad. I feel "strange", "not real". Like this is a dream. In turn it makes me more anxious. I'm scared that I"m starting another bout of anxiety. April-July was horrible. I barely made it through that. I'm on effexor 75mg 2x a day. I hope someone can help me see that its gonna be ok. I have a very understanding boyfriend. He doesnt know what this feels like but hes supportive. I also have a 3 year old daughter. I just want to be ok again. I am so scared that I"m not gonna get there again. I am disappointed in myself for even letting this happen. The "derealization" is what is the worst for me.

10-17-2010, 07:16 PM
hi yes derealisation can be very scary and it makes me feel like im stuck in a nightmare or something and as if im not in control of my own body or mind.its very important to get a good nights rest as sleep is very inportant to me especially if iv had an alcoholic drink the nite before then my dp/dr is very bad.also can think what may origanally triggered your anxiety the first time you experienced it? was just curious xx

10-17-2010, 07:26 PM
Oct 15 was my marker for 6 months with diabetes. I think that maybe thinking about the beginning might have brought some to the surface. So far I have dropped my a1c from 8.7 to 5.6. My weight went from 366 to 299. So my body has gone through big change. Physically and mentally. The diagnosis of diabetes was devastationg to me because just 2 years ago I lost my older brother to diabetes. He was 30. In my mind that was my fate. But now I realize that I still have control of my body. It doesn't belong to diabetes. But right now my derealization is bad. I have to close my eyes sometimes because it feels like I'm just gonna burst in two with anxiousness.

10-17-2010, 07:33 PM
I'm thinking that I might be feeling like this because the seasons are changing. I have heard of it causing anxiety in other ppl. IDK. Just fishing for a reason.

10-18-2010, 11:26 AM

You ARE going to be ok. I too had anxiety and panic return at a time when I thought I was "cured." You need to take control of this and stop it now, do NOT allow it to go any further. Don't just accept that it is back, fight it with all you are worth. Don't give in! Get up, take a deep breath and tell yourself that YOU are in control and with it, that YOU decide who and what rules your life.

*end of lecture*

Good luck, I really hope you feel better soon.


10-18-2010, 11:27 AM
(Just like you did with the diabetes)

10-18-2010, 03:04 PM
Hi there,

Hearing something like that is a shock for sure. You might not feel anxious right away, but eventually it can hit you, esp. if you've dealt with anxiety before.

Let me say that my grandma had Type 2 diabetes. She managed it just fine - she ate pretty healthy - and lived to a ripe old age of 96 (or, one month shy of) with no complications that I know of. She was also a chubby woman - size 16.

Congrats on the weight loss - you are on the road to regaining your health!!

10-18-2010, 05:09 PM
Thank you for answering. I got up today feeling the same "far away" strange feelings of depersonalization. But I got out of bed anyway. I went out to lunch, even took my boyfriend to work. Which is a 30 min drive away. This evening I am gonna paint pumpkins with my little sister and my daughter. I have moments where I want to break down and cry and moments where I feel as if I am floating out of my body, but I just do alot of self talk. "I am gonna be ok, this is my body, I've gone through this before, etc." I pray to my God alot. All I pray for is strength to get through this. When your in it, it feels like forever. Every minute feels like an hour. Again, thank you for your reassuring words.

10-19-2010, 10:29 AM
Yes, it does seem like an eternity when you're going through something like that. And, it feels like it's never going to end, that your life has been changed forever, etc. etc. But eventually you do come out from the other end of the tunnel.

10-19-2010, 07:18 PM
Hey I know what it's like to Suffer from Anxiety. Its a struggle. The best thing to do is to take one day at a time. Try to focus on what you can do instead of worrying about what you cant do. I'm on the same Pills your taking. I take two 150 mg tablets per day. They help lift my mood but the anxiety seems to stay with me. Im working at the moment but recently have been finding it hard to cope with my job. Hope things get better for you and myself. Your not alone. You'll get better just give it time.

RoyM :)