View Full Version : anxiety on bus

10-17-2010, 06:25 PM
anyone here have anxiety on buses to the extent where they feel like there gunna pass out or start shaking or just do some thing that will make a fool of them selves

10-18-2010, 08:05 AM
Yes, I had this once going to the fair and since then I have never been on a bus. I started to sweat and I thought I was going to through up. I called my sister to come and pick me up from the fair when I was done. My wife wasn't to happy with me.

10-18-2010, 10:53 AM
Hi there,

I used to get this all the time. From time to time when the bus is full I still feel very closed in and I am tempted to get off in the middle of nowhere. I have learnt to ALWAYS have a book with me and I read instead of looking around. I also sit in an isle seat so that if someone sits next to me, I don't feel pressed up against the window. I used to act crazy, twitch and talk to myself on purpose so that people would think I am a nutter and not sit next to me, but I am way over that now. I find that as soon as the bus leaves the city I feel better. Best advice I can give is to distract yourself with a book. I take 2 buses to work and 2 back daily so I had to just force myself to relax and deal with it.

Try sitting near the front as well, it makes you feel like you could get off at any time, that helps. But DON't get off, it will just take you longer to get home. Also, open a window above you. The worst part of taking the bus for me was waiting for it to arrive. I get off in a very dangerous spot in town to wait for my connecting bus home / to work and I always panicked if the bus wasn't EXACTLY on time.

My fear of the bus dates back to a year ago when I was in a very abusive relationship and my ex always used to get car sick. Or bus sick in this instance. She made SUCH a scene about it every time and it made me extremely anxious - not for myself but that she would throw up or faint. Maybe try and backtrack and see where your fear started?

Good luck, take control of this fear and don't allow it to control YOU.