View Full Version : terrible reaction to weed,now fear of schizophrenia

10-17-2010, 06:22 PM
hi everyone im new to this forum but i have been suffering for over 3 years with anxiety,depression and ptsd,well thats what iv been diagnosed with. it all started when i tried cannabis and had a terrible,nightmarish reaction to it.i diddnt realise that something like a 'soft' drug such as cannabis could cause such a reaction.since that day i have feared schizophrenia and anything out of the 'norm', as my reaction to the drug was so sureal.i was just wondering if anyone had suffered with anything similar.and please dont tell me to stay away from drugs cos i am and i know the weed diddnt cause the anxiety it merely brought it to the surface.and please dnt warn me of the relation between weed and schizophrenia cos i know that to.i was never a regular smoker and theres no history of mental illness in my family apart from anxiety, thank you all xx

10-19-2010, 03:26 AM
You're not alone, Just over a week ago i watched a documentary on schizophrenia.. that same night i had a panic attack and ever since ive been so scared of becoming schizophrenic its really ruining my life.

My brother also had the same fear as me.. he was also smoking weed and started to freak out because he thought he might become schizophrenic. Honestly its one of the biggest fears most anxiety sufferers have. (Going insane or becoming schizophrenic).

If you need someone to talk too just let me know. I use IM. (MSN and Yahoo).

10-19-2010, 09:27 PM
yeah everyones had their bad experience with being high. if youre going to do it just relax, marijuana can actually relieve anxiety if youre in the right mood. that being said, i have had my freak outs being high, its just the mood your in before you smoke

10-21-2010, 12:17 AM
I can see that being anxious and then reading about the links to schizophrenia can cause you to really stress and worry. Generally speaking though, the risk of this is dependant on the age you begin smoking and it most common in young teens, it doesnt generally affect older teens or adults unless you are talking about heavy use!

10-21-2010, 10:46 PM
I used to be a huugge pot head back in the day when I was 15. I also like cocaine which got me put in rehab. When I was in rehab they told everyone "we are gonna ruin your highs for the rest of your life". And boy were they right. One of the last few times I smoked I was at my dads apartment just staring out the window freaking out thinking someone was standing on the roof next door staring at me. I thought I was schizophrenic and felt like my family knew and was trying to hide it from me because my grandmom once told me I was special and I just kept freaking out thinking I had schizophrenia as well as many other serious illnesses.

Yup I'm crazy. But I haven't smoked in 2 years and never will again
Ur not alone

10-23-2010, 04:56 PM
mhm, exact same thing happened to me. worst 6 months of my entire life.