View Full Version : Anyone else have this?

Oh not again
10-15-2010, 01:52 PM
Anyone else have rubbing/grating sensation in left ribs area under arm? Mine started with pain with deep breath off and on a couple months ago which led to doctor visit which led to chest xray and chest ct which were negative except for emphysematous changes. Now I have this rubbing sensation which makes me anxious, or is me being anxious making me feel this sensation? I can't tell yet which comes first... It's not always there so maybe it's only there when I'm anxious which makes me more anxious which makes it there more...

10-15-2010, 02:41 PM
Hi there,

I am not sure about the sensation, but the pain is usually due to the anxiety, as you are not breathing properly. It is there even when you are not feeling anxious as it's almost like an injury. Place your hand just below your ribs and breathe from your solar plexus. The pain will still be there but there is nothing wrong. During the day, be aware of how you breathe, sit up straight. And take comfort in the fact that you went to the doc and there was nothing wrong. Take control of this now, before it takes control of you.

Hope you feel better soon.


Oh not again
10-15-2010, 03:21 PM
Thanks Zuena. My mind knows it's all from anxiety but my other (anxious) mind won't give it up. I do feel much better when I do abdominal breathing. Now I just need to reteach myself to abdominal breathe all the time!

10-15-2010, 10:21 PM

Yeah its nothing to be worried about, it feels like its related to breathing but its actually not. Its usually a muscle spasm of the muscles around your ribs which worsens when your breath because it extends the ribcage on breathing. Its pretty common, dont worry! :D