View Full Version : Comforts

10-15-2010, 10:17 AM
I was wondering...

How about a thread where we can all contribute and name something that has really helped us cope with anxiety, in that moment where you feel anxious or panicky? Simple things like soaking in the bath, drinking Chamomile tea or playing with the dog? Something that you did in that moment and afterwards thought.. hey, that worked!

For me getting into the bath and just lying back works like magic. Also, having a good cry relieves so much of the tension.

Anyone else?


10-15-2010, 11:54 AM

That is, playing the music of my beloved Osmonds!! Hard to be anxious after some "Down By the Lazy River"! :)

10-15-2010, 01:14 PM

Mediation and education.

Mediation to learn to control your mind instead of it controlling you .

And education because all fears are born out of the unknown so if you know something and how it works you just cant be scared of it .

Taking supps to support my body as it heals .

And the biggest one would be being a stubborn bugger and telling myself that there was no way i was going to live like that and i was going to be added to the list of 1000s of people that have recovered over time .

cheers kev :D

10-15-2010, 02:30 PM

And the biggest one would be being a stubborn bugger and telling myself that there was no way i was going to live like that and i was going to be added to the list of 1000s of people that have recovered over time .

cheers kev :D

Love that Kev. Bugger this, if Anxiety was a person with a pretty or handsome face who made you feel like this, you would run away and have nothing to do with him / her. No way would you hand over control.


The who's???

Tee hee...


10-15-2010, 10:38 PM
a bath, crying it out, spending time with my kids or putting focus on something else. theres alot of things that i do these are just some

10-16-2010, 06:55 AM
i have a few ways of getting through it

fresh air

water over the face

playstation 3 gaming

paper bag to chill my breathing out