View Full Version : Confused? Cant get rid of this feeling! Why me?

10-15-2010, 02:32 AM
Hi Everyone!, Im new to this and its nice to know im not the only one in the world with this overpowering feeling! Well im 27, I have a 2 year old daughter whom im always taking here and there, a very go-go person always in town shopping, doing errrands, taking drives with the music blasting because im bored, or taking sudden trips to a City that i enjoy going to 3 hours away to visit friends and family that live up there! Well that almost seems like last year?! When it was just last week and the months prior! :| I never ever had a Panic attack! just mild anxiety which i just shrugged off as nothing to really analyze. Until one day last week my daughter and I were going to a nearby town about 45 minutes away (for the change of scenery and shopping). I was perfectly fine before i left,Well like less then 10 min of driving on a busy highway i got a whiff of this "Rotten Egg" smell! Which around here ive heard there is a gas that resembles a rotten egg smell called "H2s" and "It can kill you instantly" and "shut down your body" (in large amounts i later was told) well like anyone would do i took a whiff and right away thought "Oh no" :o well that must of triggered the Panic attack because of the info i had remembered about that smell. I started feeling numb, faint, suffocated, etc UGH!!! (still driving) and fighting it as hard as i could I thought I WAS DYING!! i was thinking the worst like my funeral was gonna be that week, I was telling my daughter I loved her :cry: which sent me hyperventalating and having to call 911 to meet me on the road. Long story short they met me, vitals were fine a lil high though, I was told i had a full blown Panic attack! Well that was last week, I recently went to a close by drive threw and while i was waiting i felt those same symptoms come on which scared me again i fought the feeling and made it home! Ive been doing a lot of research learning about this and that its just basically too much adrenline! Ive even took a pill my brother had prescribed for his anxiety, but felt sleepy and almost "high" and i dont want to take meds or depend on them for something i didnt need last week!! Now its all i think about and it wont happen at home only in my car! Yesterday went about 20 minutes away to Walmart but on the way the symptoms just linger and i feel them wanting to come on but i had to think of all the things i read and tell myself this is just a feeling and it went away i felt proud like i accomplished something! :|But is this just temporary PTS??? What the hell though! Im just scared now because this is new to me!, Why is this on my mind 24/7 and why all of a sudden? Is this gonna be a part of my life i have to accept?? Why did one trigger make it seem hard to do the normal things i did everyday??? ... :roll:

Oh not again
10-15-2010, 03:42 PM
It sounds to me like you're now having panic because you're afraid of the panic coming back. This happens. If you can tell yourself 'this is just a panic attack, it will pass' it will help you. It really will! It's not easy to accept panic symptoms, I know, but once you do, you will feel better a lot faster. Eventually you won't be afraid of them any more and so you won't have them. Good luck!

10-15-2010, 04:14 PM
It sounds to me like you're now having panic because you're afraid of the panic coming back. This happens. If you can tell yourself 'this is just a panic attack, it will pass' it will help you. It really will! It's not easy to accept panic symptoms, I know, but once you do, you will feel better a lot faster. Eventually you won't be afraid of them any more and so you won't have them. Good luck!

This used to work for me for about a month and then it just got really strong one day and stayed there and it's the most decouraging thing ever it really just makes you want to give up..I'm at that point now and my anxiety just won't go away i hate it so much i used to be such a strong person mentally :x

10-15-2010, 09:08 PM
Hey there, I can relate to this feeling..I hate it I feel ok one day and the next 20 feel bad!!ugh..if you want to chat pm me and I will give you my im!

10-16-2010, 02:42 PM
@ Oh not again Thanks!! :) Yea just reading info like that and having that to remember does help! Thursday i was approching a red light and i had to make a quick turn because i couldnt handle the "overpowering feeling"! :| But yesterday, of course driving i had my 9 year old neice with me and at one point i felt that heavy sensation in my cheeks, the tingling in my head and right there i told my self
"this is stupid im feeling like this over nothing"! and it went away! But still dont know yet how i will do ALONE w/ out my daughter or the company of my neice? But i keep reminding myself its "all in my mind"!! :) @ gaara Dont give up!!! especially if it has already worked for you @ one time!!! Let that mentally strong person come out again!! :) Dont give up though!! @jj1983 Thanks! i will keep that in mind! Lets see how i do in the following days to come! but nice to know i already have someone to chat with! :)