View Full Version : Sick and tired of feeling anxious......literally

10-14-2010, 04:45 PM
Hi everyone, I'm new to the group but have suffered from/with anxiety for almost 20 years. Long story short, I started taking zoloft 6 years ago, it has helped but I still have attacks. I just started working full time 9 months ago. 3 months into my new job I started getting dizzy spells. I've been diagnosed with vertigo. 2 weeks into physical therapy and I feel horrible. For the past 2 days my legs and arms feel so heavy. I almost feel like I can't walk. I feel super tense, like I just ran a marathon. This is really worrying me. I am afraid I'm going to fall down ( I haven't, but you know how anxiety is, you fear what hasn't even happened). I'm tired and feel run down all the time. I have trouble sleeping. I read a post recently, I'm not depressed, but I can see how anxiety can lead to depression. It's a tough battle for sure. I'm afraid to try another med cause I've had bad reactions to so many before my dr. Finally prescribed zoloft.

Any advice or words of encouragement greatly appreciated!

Oh not again
10-15-2010, 03:33 PM
Sorry you're suffering. Have you read dr. Claire weekes' Peace From Nervous Suffering or Hope and Help for Your Nerves? Those books helped me a bunch. Also The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook is helpful.