View Full Version : Signs that anxiety attack is almost over?

10-14-2010, 11:38 AM
Are there typical things you see that signal that at anxiety attack is almost over? Last evening, I felt almost 100% again... Got nervous at 2am again though and took my first Zoloft... I feel worse today bc of the pill. Just trying to figure out if I should wait to see if it is really ending or continue with the zoloft? I kind of want to try CBT before meds... If my cuurent anxiety is really ending. I have SAD.

10-14-2010, 01:21 PM

Welcome aboard .:D

Anxiety will not end like that . But what you will notice as you work though things is that less and less things will stress you out and have a effect on your nervous system . Looking bad i can still see certian times when my anxiety dropped down a level .

The good then is once it drops down without drugs you learn to handle that thing and it wont go back up again .

As for CBT . I would be doing it before i tried the drugs . Drugs may help but are no better than a band aid on a broken arm. Learning meditation will do more than any drugs will .

cheers kev :D

10-14-2010, 02:47 PM
Darn, about 10 days in. Last year it was 6 - 8 weeks of nonstop intense anxiety.

10-14-2010, 06:04 PM
Can you guys explain to me what CBT is please?

10-14-2010, 06:12 PM
Howdy gaara

If you Google there should be lots of information

But to put it simply it is a way of teaching people to change their thinking and there reaction towards their anxiety . I also think that education on anxiety and its causes should also be part of this .

Anxiety is all about the way we react to symptoms of stress and once you change that reaction and work on the underlying causes of stress it will start to leave

cheers kev :D

10-15-2010, 10:23 PM
CBT is Congective behavioral therapy or something like that. i have never been to therapy and have never taken meds for anxiety and have been dealing with it for almost 3 years. i dont like to take medication for anxiety because alot of people i met up here had a hard time once the medication wore off or when they felt like they could stop taking it then it was much worse. i think the more you know about anxiety and triggers the better off you will be. i have recently discovered my trigger... mines drama and stress. if i stay away from stressful situations and drama then i am fine. i do cope with most of my stress because stress to each person can be many different things for example relationship stress, family stress, financial stress, friend stress. any of those things i try to stay away from but of course some of them are not that easy, well i hope this helps someone,