View Full Version : Help: New member seeking reassurance about a GAD symptom

10-14-2010, 06:38 AM
Hi everyone,

New to the forum, glad to be here. My GAD is driven by health anxiety in that every symptom I have is a sign of a deadly disease. I have suffered for years, some better than others, with this thing. I am 39 years old and my symptoms started when I was 18.

I've been in a state of high anxiety since May.

I know that hot flashes are listed as a GAD symptom. For the past week or so, I have felt warm in my face (mostly around my eyes and brow area), and I don't have a fever. I notice that the symptom mostly disappears when I take an ativan.

Anyone else experience something similar, which I would describe as waves of heat?

Thanks ahead of time for any reassurance!

10-14-2010, 06:46 AM
Hi my name is emma and i know how you feel. I have the same as you and am pretty much constantly scared of one thing or another. my floaters drive me nuts and im so focused on my vision and head that sometimes its like im feeling things that arent there anyway. The burning you are talking about happens to me especially when i am just about to panic, also i get the sort of head twinges and they too disappear after i take a paracetamol. This anxiety thing really sucks i absolutely had no idea of the physical things it can bring on and im now so focused on myself and how im feeling im totally missing out on the beautiful world that is surrounding me. Chin up as we say in England its all part of the same thing and you have had anxiety for a long time now to know how tricky it is. x

10-14-2010, 12:52 PM
Thanks Emma. I've had a floater for years. My eye doctor confirmed that they are no big deal and are a normal part of aging (even though I got mine when I was 29).

It seems like once I rid myself of one anxiety symptom, another one takes its place and I go through the whole thing again.


10-14-2010, 01:16 PM
Howdy Marathoner

I am not sure why this happens and i am guessing that it is like some sort of blushing . It could also be hormonal as anxiety effects main different hormones .

But what i can tell you is that it will not hurt you and is nothing bad . I have had this on and off for 20 years and it got really bad when my anxiety was bad .

As for the floaters . They also are very common in everyone anxiety or not . The problem is as with everything with anxiety is we focus on them to much and therefor see them more .
There are nothing more than bubbles is the fluid on the eyes .

cheers kev :D

10-14-2010, 01:53 PM
Hi ya, i got my floaters just over a month ago and im 27. You're right though once you start looking for them you focus more on them and they drive you nuts, ive got the little black ones but am fortunate enough that they only bother me in daylight or looking at bright things. I agree with you that this is really horrible. My anxiety probably mildly started around 6 months ago but has just exploded over the last two months and as is common i am so aware of my body and any little ache or pain. It really is horrible. I have been speaking to my dad a lot about it and he just tries to talk me into a calmer frame of mind reminding me that ts all just a feeling and cant hurt me. My biggest crime is googling symptoms but i am really going to try and stop as it only provides my brain with ammunition to convince me i have something nasty. I know its hard - believe me i really do know its hard just try and stay strong. im gonna try setting myself some new challengeds to trey and focus my mind on something different. Maybe you could try the same. I have also never joined or posted in a forum before either but joining this one has helped. x