View Full Version : Worst one yet

10-13-2010, 12:31 PM
OK everyone, I am currently trying to come down from like a #20 out of 10 panic attack.
This attack was different than my usual thinking I am having a heart attack and what not. I was cleaning and all of a sudden, I had a thought that said, "Would if anxiety can turn into demnsia (sp?)" and I panicked instantly and felt like my ind was leaving me and that nothing was real around me and I wasn't real and that I was getting another mental illness...and FAST! I looked at myself in the mirror and felt like I wasn't me. I literally felt trapped inside myself and now I am feeling a little better, but this effected work , and I will be going in late.
I would prefer the heart attack panic attacks over the feeling that I am losing my mind and going insane.
Anyone had one of these attacks?
Are they normal with anxiety?
It by-far is the scariest feeling I have ever had.
Please help me rationalize this some how. I'm not understanding these new thoughts of losing control and de-real and de-personalization...why all of a sudden?!?!?!?!

10-13-2010, 12:59 PM
I'm so sorry you are dealing with this - it sounds awful!

People DO have these feelings with anxiety. Not everyone, but for some it's definitely an issue. This all started with a simple little fleeting thought - but see how powerful our thoughts are?!

You are JUST FINE, hon, and you are NOT going to lose your mind. It's kinda like your anxiety is getting bored with itself, I think, and trying a new trick to get your attention. I just had a thought... I wonder if, in some strange sort of way, we are addicted to that rush? It's unpleasant for sure, but a drug addict being strung out on crack can't be any fun, either. (Sorry, that was just kind of a question I'm asking myself out loud.)

I wish I could say something helpful but I have not had this happen to me (knock on wood). I'm sure plenty of others have, though, and hopefully will be able to offer you some insight!

10-13-2010, 01:30 PM
Thanks for your reply. Seeing the words "I am fine" help me and seeing that it's been 3 hours since the 1st thought and the attack and yup, here I am just fine. It literally was just a thought and yes, it'sCRAZY how powerful they are! Thanks again, you helped me...especially that I have to go into work now, which my mind wants me to dread but I need to try to have a good day.

10-13-2010, 08:21 PM
Howdy charm

What are we going to do with you ?? :roll:

like a #20 out of 10 panic attack. Its not you know you just convinced yourself that it was . Maybe you havent had a bad one for a while and forgot how bad they can be . Dont give it another thought . No point worrying about something that may never come again

Remember that they are just thoughts and nothing more . Every time you have one just tell your self that over and over again . Its just a thought and its only anxiety nothing more and as i calm down they will go .

I looked at myself in the mirror and felt like I wasn't me. I literally felt trapped inside myself and now I am feeling a little better, but this effected work , and I will be going in late.
I would prefer the heart attack panic attacks over the feeling that I am losing my mind and going insane.
Anyone had one of these attacks?

Welcome to my panics . This is all i had . I never had the problems with the feelings of the heart etc but what you discribe is what i lived for 4 months no stop and many more months after on and off . If fact my driving problem increased because of that , 1 super huge anxiety attack that lasted 3 hours and nearly ended with me driving my car into a truck or a tree .

This is only your stress hormones and nothing more . When the body becomes super stressed it will change parts of the brain and change the way we see and feel things .

Please help me rationalize this some how. I'm not understanding these new thoughts of losing control and de-real and de-personalization...why all of a sudden?!?!?!?!

I find it hard that you would not have one time or another thought that you were lossing it with anxiety . I would say that because you were cleaning and busy that when you had this thought it threw you and you started to panic thinking there was more to it . i would say that with most people with anixety this would be something that plays in the back of there minds as well as the What if its not anxiety one

it'sCRAZY how powerful they are
There not powerful , they have no power at all unless you give it to them . they are no more powerful than the writing word in our head . It is up to us if we givethem power or not .

Again you are not nor will you every go mad from anxiety .

cheers kev :D

10-14-2010, 09:35 AM
Thanks, Kev.
When I am not having an attack it is easy to see and tell myself, "once AGAIN, the thing you predicted didn't happen."
I usually do just obsess with my body, thinking of diseases ect. so when I "had a scare" that I was losing my mind/questioning reality ect. it was even more scary than thinking of my body.
Then it's like a seed planted that now I know I am capable of having that same attack again, and that scares me. :oops:
I was reading something in all my therapy stuff, and it said something like people with anxiety are more in tuned to reality than others, that sometimes makes things seem unrealistic. I think that's true for me, since I question everything.

10-14-2010, 09:45 AM
I think that the reason that the thought of "going crazy" is so frightning, is because when things are so mad around us and we try and deal with daily life and all it throws at us, we can always rest assured that whatever happens, we have our mental health, that we can do what it takes from day to day to carry on. However, when you suffer from anxiety to this extent, one starts doubting your sanity and when you do, it is as if the last bit of security in your life gets ripped away from. I have had the "crazy" thoughts and it is terrifying.

I heard a saying once: No one thinks himself saner than a mad man. So rest assured, as long as you think you are crazy, you are actually quite normal! hehehe..

Good luck, thinking of you.


10-14-2010, 12:36 PM
I'm glad you are doing much better, Charm! I know where you're at, though - it's scary when you have such a tiny little innocent thought and suddenly your body is flooded with panic!!!

10-14-2010, 01:44 PM
Howdy Charm

Then it's like a seed planted that now I know I am capable of having that same attack again, and that scares me.

Yes watch those seeds they seem to sneak in on us . Thats why you have to feed it with the right seeds . ITS ONLY ANXIETY AND IT WILL NOT HURT ME .

I was reading something in all my therapy stuff, and it said something like people with anxiety are more in tuned to reality than others, that sometimes makes things seem unrealistic. I think that's true for me, since I question everything.

I would have to agree . I am so much like this . I think that what we have to do is find something else to focus on and stop focusing on ourselves . I question everything also but once i have a answer i like i move on .

By the way do you meditate . If not i think you should as it will teach your mind to clear and its not all new age rubbish and has a very long history .

cheers kev :D

10-14-2010, 06:44 PM
Zuena- That's true, crazy people don't know they are crazy!! Nice humorus spin there for me!

I don't wanna self pity or what not, but I really do put myself last for everything and hardly ever have time just for me and I think of all I have going on at once and it leads to attacks like yesterday. I will look into meditation...maybe that could be good for exposure in a way because I will have to sit (which is hard for me) and I would be in tune to every feeling of my body (which is my obsession :shock: )

10-15-2010, 09:41 AM

Glad you are feeling better.

I think it is a good idea to look into meditation. Even under normal circumstances it can be hard to sit absolutely still for 5 minutes and I understand that you are worried that you might use that quiet time to obsess about things. However, maybe try talking to yourself out loud in stead of sitting quietly. Be alone, take the time where and when you won't be disturbed, but TALK. Talk about positive things, focus on what you want your state of mind to be and not what it is. Have a giggle at something silly you did or heard. Breathe in good, breathe out bad, SAY it while you do it. This way you have that calming and quiet time to yourself but talking to yourself keeps your mind off obsessing about the roof falling in on your head or whatever your particular fear / fears may be.

Positive thought patterns are learnt and become a habit, the same as negative ones.

About you always placing yourself last - sometimes you have to be selfish and "unreliable" in the eyes of the world in order to be true to yourself. Hard as it may be, learn to say NO.

YOU have to live with yourself, no one else.


Good luck.


10-15-2010, 09:49 AM
Sorry, just read your post again.

You say you keep thinking "See, what I predicted didn't happen."

STOP predicting bad things. Or try at least. Predict good things. I AM going to get through this ENTIRE day without having a panic attack. I am going to the shop and no one is going to bother me, nothing is going to happen, etc. I do this and it's almost as if I get excited, when the end of the day approaches and I haven't had to deal with a panic attack. I reward myself. Even with simply saying.. well done, you did it! Now for tomorrow.

My whole "new" attitude about this stupid anxiety and no longer allowing it to rule my life is:


And believe me, I am smiling a whole lot more these days.


10-15-2010, 01:24 PM
Howdy charm

If there is one thing that has been drummed into my head from the people that have treated me over my anxiety . IT is that everyday we must find 1/2 a hour for ourselves .

Try mediation , it is hard at first but after a while you will really come to enjoy it and find it relaxing . It should get to the stage when you feel stressed that you can just close your eyes and your body will go into a relax stage .

Also as Zuena said you will think about your anxiety so try and change it to be thinking about it in a positive manner , such as ok i have anxiety what is it that i can do to help this . Also a tip i had is that i would focus on my eye lids when they were closed and my brain just could not focus on two things . The brain cannot focus on two things at once even if you are female :D

cheers kev :D