View Full Version : OCD

10-12-2010, 06:50 PM

I am trying to connect with other people that have OCD. I know I have had OCD since I was a child; but now I am ready to deal with it now.

I have been in therapy and started seeing a psychiatrist. I started Luvox and I am having mixed results.

I know I needed help when I stopped talking to my best friend when she got pregnant because I was scared that her knowing me would cause something bad to happen to her pregnancy (magical thinking).

I felt that the television was almost sending me signs as to bad things were going to happen and I could control it.

Signs on the highway of where written for me because I was a good and/or bad person.

I would text and call everyone I know daily to make sure everyone was ok.

A thought would go and go and go and go and go.

Anyone else like this?

10-13-2010, 12:21 AM
Hey, Welcome to the forum.

I can understand where you are coming from, I have these kind of thoughts and I am sure most people with anxiety do, maybe not all but certainly a percentage.

I am lucky in that I can ignore them and challenge them as being irrational and I am sure in time you will be able to as well! Its good that you are seeing someone too, that should help!

10-13-2010, 11:39 AM
OCD and health anxiety are very closely related. I have a bit of OCD, but it's more like having to check the stove and needing to touch the knobs even though I see they are turned off - and I may check them several times in a row by touching them until it "feels right." I don't have this problem a lot, but there are times when I do get like this.

10-15-2010, 11:39 AM
Well my DR said I have OCD which I already knew because my Mom is a perfectionist and I am too but I am able to deal with mine better. I get the thoughts that i can not get out of my head since this whole anxiety thing started. I think it is the medicine they put me on zoloft because it does increase the serotonin level but the dopamin level can be affected by this which controls alot of OCD. At least this is what i have read.