View Full Version : just left the E.R think i may have Anxiety

10-12-2010, 06:20 PM
Hey there everyone i am new to this whole , and i am wondering if my symptoms can be caused by anxiety.

For several months now i have been exteremely tired all day, almost feeling like i am hungover, right before i am falling asleep i get heart palpitaions that send me sitting stright up in my bed, and now i am having stomach issues(excessive gas sorry about the gross details), and i am constently clearing my throat

I have been seen by a G.I doc who says everything is fine in that department and likewise for the cardiologist.

10-13-2010, 12:25 AM
Hey and welcome!

Everything you have mentioned is certainly consistent with anxiety and I have had all of them except the palpitations at some point or another. The fact that the docs have given you the all clear is great. Whenever you get the symptoms come on just remind yourself they are only caused by anxiety and stress and move on. In time they will dissappear!

10-13-2010, 06:48 AM
yes i do agree that sounds like a form of anxiety pulpitations aswell mm

i get them alot mate so dont worry your fine with us we will help you over come this as much as we can

and welcome to the forum buddy :D

10-13-2010, 12:48 PM

Yep, those are anxiety issues, but the clearing of the throat makes me wonder if you may have an allergy of some sort? Allergies/intolerances can cause excess mucus, palps, stomach issues, etc., and they can start at any time - even if it's something you've always been eating. In fact, they often to start when you are eating too much of something. It can cause fatigue, aches, pains, palps, anxiety, you name it!!

10-18-2010, 12:09 AM

I have some of those symptoms still struggling to get to grips with them. good luck with the anxiety