View Full Version : terrifying nightmares

10-11-2010, 08:40 PM
I have been having the scariest nightmares for over a year now. I have one everynight and they are very very vivid. I wake up feeling like it might have happened for a second then am relieved when i realized it was only a dream. It is getting so terrifying though, i always have dreams where people are chasing me trying to kill me and i tried to stop them but couldnt, mostly all of my dreams someone is trying to kill me or there is a nuclear bomb or something. .. Does anybody else get bad dreams everynight? are they ever going to go away ever? i would hate to have nightmares every single night for the rest of my life. I am starting to be scared to fall asleep.

10-12-2010, 10:53 AM
hay welcome to the forum you know i have funny dreams that when i tell my mates about them they laugh at me but i dont think its wright i mean i had a dream i was being chased by a post box with an axe and it scared me of post boxes for about 6 months why i dont know this but its just one of them things that happenes but you aint alone so dont worry we are here to help :)