View Full Version : Intense Anxiety at the same time of the day, everday?

10-11-2010, 12:47 PM
Here's how my days these days go, I wake up feeling firstly tired and not that focused on my anxiety. Then I get up and start feeling anxious (because of course it's the first thing I start to think about) I get ready and go to school and usually cope really well there (at the beggining of my anxiety some months ago I couldn't even go to school and was in constant panic if I did, and now I feel perfectly fine being at school) though I constantly feel a bit on edge because of the anxiety, I can focus mostly quite well but as soon as I am not directly focusing on something my anxiety gets back (its the idea of the anxiety that scares me) but it's gotten better.

However here's the weird part, eventhough I have anxiety thoughout the day it always get a lot more intense at anywhere around 5-8pm, everyday. It usually starts around 6 or 7 pm that I start to feel really scared and disconnected and usually break down crying or then wind up in a panic attack. Then at 9pm and onwards, usually almost all the symtoms of my anxiety disappear all of the sudden. Then I usually feel quite calm until I go to sleep, then in the morning I wake up and it's back again. During those moments of panic, I think my life is ruined and feel like I should commit suicide etc. But once the panic wears out I'm just left wondering what I was thinking, and why I would feel that way? It's not me at all to feel that way.

Anyone else notices patterns in their anxiety deppending on the time of the day?

10-11-2010, 01:36 PM
hi matey

I have a something ike this aswell
I can be fine when i wake up, maybe a little tired (but that maybe with watching to much t.v the night before)
go to work and i am normaly pretty good and don't get any symtons
But then i finish work and start to worry, over nothing aswel, then ariund 8-9 i go back to normal and am sound

im sure its because in the day i am keeping busy, keeping my mind busy, but when i come home and start to relax it creeps in.

It will go away sortly just let it live its cause and it will go. :D

Stay away from stress aswell :D

10-11-2010, 02:29 PM
Hello, when I was 15 this is how my whole Anxiety episode began. At 11pm EVERY night I would have a panic attack (and had no clue what it was)...When I go to bed...itd be away the next morning.
I went to see a psych...he said I was anticipating it every night, and I believe I did because I felt the symptoms as it got closer to 11.
One morning, it didnt go away...and stayed there, for months.

10-11-2010, 05:45 PM
I went to see a psych...he said I was anticipating it every night, and I believe I did because I felt the symptoms as it got closer to 11.


You get it once and develop a fear of it and think I hope it doesnt happen again...you put thoughts and energy into it causing it to happen again or the fear of it happening again brings it on again. Overtime you condition yourself to the thoughts "it coming up to that time, it will happen now" and hey presto...there it is!

I had a similiar thing with stomach cramps, I would wake up every night at 3.30am with killer stomach cramps. It would stay until 5.30 and then vanish. Same thing just in a different guise!