View Full Version : Plateau???

10-11-2010, 10:29 AM
I am feeling like I have plateaued in therapy.
What could this mean?
I got over my heart fear (thoughts creep in sometimes but don't control me), I can goplaces and be "ok" now, but I now have constant thoughts of me not breathing or not breathing the right way, and dying on the floor suffereing, struggling for air.
It dcebilitates me just like my heart fear did, but I feela s though the things I learned in therapy are not helping me with this obsession...is it an obsession? I hate this so much!

10-11-2010, 05:26 PM
A plateau in recovery can be siginificant. It CAN be the result of unresolved issues. However, it can also mean little to nothing. Sometimes, your recovery just plateaus for no good reason, only to pick up again at some later time. But the key thing to keep in mind is to NOT get so caught up with the progress of your recovery, whether you think therapy is 'working', etc. All of this just causes additional anxiety and stress.

Honestly, one of the things I NEVER liked about therapy was the lack of emphasis on the importance of PATIENCE. It always seemed like the therapist believed that, because I might have faced some fear, EVERYTHING should suddenly be better. And that somehow, after a 16 week course of CBT, you should be better than new. But that's just not the way it works. True recovery from anxiety disorder takes a LONG, LONG time. I'm talking months to years here. Even getting over minor obsessions takes some time. Remember, patience is a virtue when it comes to recovery from anxiety disorder. Give yourself the time you need for recovery.

10-11-2010, 05:34 PM
I am feeling like I have plateaued in therapy.
What could this mean?
I got over my heart fear (thoughts creep in sometimes but don't control me), I can goplaces and be "ok" now, but I now have constant thoughts of me not breathing or not breathing the right way, and dying on the floor suffereing, struggling for air.
It dcebilitates me just like my heart fear did, but I feela s though the things I learned in therapy are not helping me with this obsession...is it an obsession? I hate this so much!

Hey ya Charm,

I know what you mean, you feel like you make progress to a point but then the gains seem negligible and you dont feel quite "there" I guess. I honestly dont know quite what the answer is though.

I think what you are referring to is a kind of obsession, I get the same thing over different things, its kind like a fear although you dont feel physically threatened as such but still fearful? It can be quite upsetting really having these thoughts pop into your head, I guess the thing to remember is that they are just thoughts, they dont have any power if you dont let them!