View Full Version : Constant worrying.

10-10-2010, 08:30 AM
I wakeup with butterflies in my stomach worrying for no reason, almost all day long (unless im distracted) im worrying about absolutely nothing. this has been since i had my first panick attack. I have no idea what is going on but i started celexa 3 weeks ago 10 mg, and it doesnt seem to be doing much. I dont know what to do, i feel hopeless. Will i ever find my old self. this has been going on for 5 weeks. please help.

10-10-2010, 09:59 AM
Hi Corey!

I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this. This used to happen to me every day for a good while, and it was just something that needed to take its course. I didn't resort to meds (that could bring problems of its own) - just waited it out. It was awful, so I know how you are feeling!

I wish I had some good advice, but I haven't gotten a hold on my anxiety completely, either. Just wanted to tell you you're not alone!!

10-11-2010, 05:07 AM
I personally wouldnt take any drugs for the condition until it was an absolute last resort, have you tried any more natural remedies first?

If not try some st Johns wort tablets or drops, and maybe some complex vitamin b complex B12. Eat lots of fruit and veg especially carrots. and most importantly you need to relax and talk to somebody about what is bothering you.

If you have already tried this then sorry, but i really think drugs should be the last thing you do to help

10-11-2010, 06:59 AM

I have this problem, it's getting better though. I think it's caused by an over production of stress hormones that produce adrenaline. You're just overloaded with adrenaline, and adrenaline wants you to take action, problem is there's not really any action to take. You can't run away from yourself. Living in a constant state of fear can do this to you. All I can advise is to take some deep breaths and do something calming. I bounce up and down on a gym ball when I feel like this. It's nice and calming and it satisfies my bodies instinct to so something with my excess energy.

10-15-2010, 12:08 PM
I know were you are going from. This anxiety thing sucks. i have been dealing with mine now since June and it just now is starting to get better but i still have relapses from time to time. I do take medicine 100mg zoloft but it was really hard to take this medicine. It made me more anxious and it gave me terrible thoughts that are finally starting to go away but i still get them from time to time. i wish i would have stayed away from the meds but i was new to this and didn't know what else to do. Hang in there and drink some calming tea and see if that helps. But diffently do start taking vitamins it will take awhile before you will see a difference but they will help alot. I have had to change my whole diet around because of this but I am glad I did anyway. Also omega 3 pills is a must. If you don't like to eat alot of fruits try a smoothie with several type of fruits. Bananas are really good for anxiety.