View Full Version : i have gad and i am very aware of my heart beat all the time

10-09-2010, 10:56 PM
hello, i have had gad for 5 years now, now all the time i am aware of my heart, when it is beating fast, slow, sometimes it pounds for no reason, when im exercising, when i am sleepingl, or resting, does anyone else get this?

10-09-2010, 11:44 PM

I don't worry about my heartbeat but I do have other persistent worries that I can't shake. GAD Sucks!!

10-10-2010, 10:37 AM
That's really common!! Not an issue of mine (knock on wood) but I know how it feels to constantly be monitoring your symptoms!! It's awful!!

10-10-2010, 07:50 PM
yes it is very difficult sometimes, what symptoms are persistent with you guys

and what do other people experience with persistent symptoms

it would be good to get replies

10-10-2010, 10:39 PM
My biggest fear is that I will go crazy from anxiety. I'm always monitoring my body for signs that confirm this. If I feel a little off, nervy or jittery I try and head off the crazies by distracting myself. So really, I'm constantly in motion. I can't sit still and relax. I don't have panic attacks, just intense periods of anxiety.

The joys of GAD!

10-11-2010, 04:59 AM
I sat in a meeting the other day at work with about 20 people and had a (fairly) mild panic attack, rather than get up and leave like i normally do i decided to sit it out.

It was really hard to sit there while it happened but while the attack took place i was observing all the different things that happened, sweaty palms, dizzyness etc and of course the heart beat.

It progressively got faster and faster but i just sat there, and as if somebody flicked a switch it slowed down and then went back to normal.

what im getting at is as hard as it may seem, nothing bad is going to happen its just your body playing tricks on you, just let your heart go crazy but keep telling it ' go on, do your thing thanks for messing my day etc!! ' it will go back to normal and nothing bad will happen...ever.