View Full Version : MSN ?

10-09-2010, 03:44 PM
hello to all those on here who dont know me im mark im a moderator on here ive noticed that people on this site having PANIC ATTACKS & ANXIETY ATTACKS and there is no one here for them to talk to :shock:

well i have set a MSN chat up for those of you who use msn chat ADD this

[email protected]

this way there is allways someone to talk to me myself and other moderators will login and hopefully have it runnning 24/7 :D

THANKYOU let me know what you think :)

10-09-2010, 05:34 PM
I think it's a wonderful idea. I'd be more than happy to PM any member my email address for msn. I'm coming through the other side if anxiety now, however I've been there before - up late freaking out with no one to talk to.

Once again, great idea! Good job mods!!

10-12-2010, 10:57 AM
thankyou just remember to add us on msn everyone our msn is

[email protected]