View Full Version : Update on heart test and on my anxiety

10-08-2010, 04:56 PM
So, I FINALLY got my echo.results and guess what?Normal. EVEN though my EKG'S WERE BOTH borderline abonormal but my heart holter was fine,then echo was fine.

So, after that I felt good for 2 days. I have starting working(from home) a week ago a great new job that the pay is excellent and the work,although tedious training is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. I was thinking maybe that this will help me with working and good news and it did...for 2 days. Yesterday I woke up and felt dizzy ONCE AGAIN, and today I woke up thinking "ok its a new day, I love my life I feel great!" Then,just now I started to go through our son's closet and sort out his clothes to make way for new stuff and I felt so dizzy. Then I got to thinking OMG what if SOMETHING actually IS wrong.Maybe not my heart,but cancer, or blood clot in my brain or etc.

I don't know WHAT makes us think stuff like this,my hubby feels with my health I am 100%ok and it is my anxiety and I am sure he is right...well part of me is. I have heard that "you are how you think" and I dont want to GIVE myself anything,but do not know when this crazy cycle will ever end either!

Breathing,Yoga,calcium/minerals...nope didn't help me.

HOWEVER,I am thinkful about my heart test results.

10-08-2010, 09:51 PM
Congratulations on the normal echo!! That's wonderful!!

The dizziness is probably from tension in your neck, or many other benign things. It's just something we with anxiety do...get dizzy!! That reminds me of the slogan of another anxiety board I post on... "We Can't All Be Dying!"

Try to enjoy your good test results! I'm glad to hear it!

10-09-2010, 11:24 AM
This is true, we all cant be dying and most get dizzy. It just sucks because even standing outside my house talking on the phone made me feel dizzy as can be.

Anyone have any tips to feel less dizzy? It went away for a couple days but I wasnt doing ANYTHING different at all?!?!?

10-09-2010, 08:47 PM
Check this out! So, this morning, I'm sitting on the can reading (LOL) and it's an old book about Folk Medicine. It talks about 4 types of dizziness, and the cause is from having the wrong acid/alkaline balance within the body. What you need to do is put apple cider vinegar in some water and drink it every day. It will take some time - it said improvement will be noted in about 2 weeks, more in a month, but it will take some time.

My BF has vertigo and he's going to start doing this! I will, too.

10-11-2010, 05:53 PM
Dizziness used to be a real problem for me, I was convinced I had something horribly wrong! For me it was 100% anxiety although at the time I didnt believe that, whenever I used to get it I would just repeat to myself that it was nothing but an anxiety symptom, nothing more, and it would pass.

It always did!

Congrats on the heart echo too!