View Full Version : scared now

10-08-2010, 10:22 AM
As you all know i have big hypocondria, i have been talking to this woman who told me she suffers from anxiety etc so when i have a worry i go to her and she says yes i get the same thing etc etc...well i just got back from college to see she changed her facebook status to home from the hospital bedrest now i've had a heart attack thing is she was online at midnight last night with not a thing wrong with her and in 12 hours she says she had a heartattack and been sent home i know ppl who have had those and they have to stay in for weeks...so my question is if she has lied abot this what else hs she lied to me about i felt reasured she also had my symptoms of anxiety but now i feel she made it up and i am scared again

10-08-2010, 12:43 PM
I'm a bit confused. Are you saying she lied about the heart attack, or having anxiety?

Some people - and I don't think it's the type of people who'd frequent a board like this - lie/exaggerate about symptoms or diseases to get attention. I think it's called Munchausen's Syndrome. This may be her problem!

10-08-2010, 12:45 PM
Howdy Tinkerbell

Sorry but this is not your problem . If this is what she is calming then let it be . She could be lying , she could not be. How do you know ? Or more to the point is it just what you and your anxiety is reading into it .

I don't know this lady and she might be over stating things , I have a friend who has bad heart problems and when he goes to hospital they stop his heart to test things and he then comes home the next day .

Did this lady help you with your anxiety ??? Or did she just make you feel like you were not alone .

I have been off this board for a while so dont remember your story .

But if you want to recover , which you will you need to stop focusing on the problem and focus on the recovery .

cheers kev :D

10-08-2010, 05:00 PM
You do NOT need any outside stress.

We lost our infant daughter and this lady added me on her facebook who was on this grieving friends network thing that I was on and she had PICTURES of her child in a casket and anxiety hit me SO BAD. Next time I talked to her I couldnt stop picturing that in my head.

I actually stopped talking to her over it. As dramatic as that sounds I couldnt stand getting online and seeing her profile pic as a child in a casket.

10-08-2010, 05:40 PM
Actually I think she may just be embarrased. She may have thought or felt like she had a heart attack (anxiety) went into the hospital and now knows it's just typical anxiety, it happens. My feeling is that she's not lying. She may not have had a heart attack, and she may have said she did, but maybe she just spoke from the emotional side of her brain...

You say your a hypocandria, is your concern also with your similarties and the possibility that you may have a heart attack to??

10-09-2010, 12:36 PM
i'm ver scared i will have a heart attack what with these palps and i also get little pains in the muscles of the chest one day i would love to be anxiety free but i have a long way to go.

10-09-2010, 05:30 PM
Hey tink

I think whats happened here is that you've used this woman to seek assurance for your health fears, and now that your questioning the legitimacy of her advice you're questioning your own anxiety symptoms again.

If this woman is lying, you have every right to be disappointed and to feel betrayed. Keep it in perspective though. Remember that You have hypochondria, and your anxiety is what makes you hyper sensitive to every normal bodily symptom, which causes psychosomatic symptoms that further exacerbates your anxiety. Nothing has changed. You're still safe. You just need to see the situation for what it is without catastrophising it.