View Full Version : Complete paradoxical reactions to benzodiazepines.

10-06-2010, 10:46 PM
I abruptly discontinued Effexor, abilify, and depakote. FYI it has been ruled out that I am not bipolor, I suffer from an anxiety disorder and depression.

I have been experiencing HORRIBLE withdrawal effects from the abrupt discontinuation of these meds. Mood swings, severe panic attacks DAILY with a constant level of mild anxiety, worsened depression. Went to my psychiatrist who is putting me on benzodiazepines until I am back on the psych meds.

They are temporarily treating my symptoms with benzodiazepines (they have always worked for me in the past). I currently have no benzo tolerance.

They tried me on 2mg of clonazepam daily AM/PM dose. Ineffective, no drowsiness or anti anxiety properties whatsoever, actually worsened my anxiety. The next day I took 8mg clonazepam in one night time dose (slap me if you wish, I hadn't slept in 5 days). My heartrate/bloodpressure did not drop at all, no anxiety relief. It made me feel wired.

Went back to the Dr, he suggested ativan. Again, tried the prescribed 2mg every 6 hour dose with no relief whatsoever. Made me wired. That night I took 6mg ativan in combination with 8mg clonazepam. Same paradoxical effects.

Went to ER after this as the lack of sleep was causing me to hallucinate. I was told I was having an extreme paradoxical reaction to benzodiazepines. This has never happened in the past they have always worked in low doses. The ER doc said he has never seen this before.

They administered Versed (the king) and I finally had a night of sleep. I cannot take atypical antipsychotics (ie seroquel, zyprexa) and ambien/trazadone have always been ineffective.

I was sent home with Somas as I told the doctor they have helped me sleep in the past very well when I had a back injury. The soma works.

Has anyone experienced anything like what I am describing. The doses I was taking should put a normal person like myself without a tolerance into reparatory depression.