View Full Version : SSRI's permanent?

10-06-2010, 09:51 AM

I was diagnosed (correct terminology??) with panic disorder about 9 months ago and was prescribed Paxil, or Aropax. It probably stemmed from negative childhood experiences and destructive relationships and was triggered by a little too much partying. Now, I have quite a high sensitivity to medication so the side effects were fairly adverse. The paxil has helped, although it seems I may have to increase dosage.

I have a bit of difficulty either accepting or coming to terms with the statement of "SSRIs can sometimes be for life" which is something doctors and friends have said to me.

What I wanted to know, is panic disorder something you can beat? Does anyone have any positive stories? Or is it my quest to be in control hindering me?

Thanks, folks! :)

10-06-2010, 06:15 PM
To answer your question, SSRIs are only as permanent as you want them to be. They were never really meant to be a long-term treatment, and often 'poop out' over the long term. Furthermore, they cure nothing, and full recovery can NEVER happen when you are on them. SSRIs are, at best, a crutch to use while you are trying to work your way through your issues. But, with perhaps VERY few exceptions, you should NEVER have to be on them for the long term.

With this said, being on meds but doing NOTHING else about anxiety disorder is perhaps one of the worst things to do. You should ALWAYS try to get to the root of your anxiety problem, whether through therapy or self-help. Only by working through your problems in a non-pharmaceutical way (such as CBT) can you REALLY overcome your anxiety disorder. And yes, panic disorder is somethin that CAN be beat. Plenty of people have done it, although few doctors seem to want you to know that it can be done.