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10-05-2010, 06:34 PM

10-05-2010, 08:42 PM
I can relate to you! I do not trust anyone. I can't even trust my boyfriend I've been with over 3 years who I love so much. It makes me so upset to not be able to but I always feel like I'm not good enough for someone to be loyal to me

10-05-2010, 10:18 PM
I generally don't trust people. It's not like I think people are out to kill me, or anything like that. Rather, I don't trust people when it comes to the level of respect they have in me or the esteem they hold me in. I always feel like people don't really like me, even if they try to make it seem like they do. I guess I have just been screwed over too much by people in this respect to actually believe anybody.

10-05-2010, 11:14 PM
Just a question for other GAD sufferers- do you also suffer from trust issues? I often feel like someone is withholding information or not beign completely honest with me, which in turn starts the entire what if scenario.... I hate it and I dont know if it happens because of every relationship Ive had Ive been lied to or mislead- anyone out there understand? It seems the only way for me to control the trust factor if to put the walls up and not let anyone get too close- which isnt healthy either- just wondering if anyone can relate. thanks

Hey alwaysthinking,

You are definitely not alone with this. I am struggling with (and currently working on) my major trust issues -- especially when it comes to relationships. In the past, I have always kept myself relatively detached, just in case, because I didn't want to risk getting hurt or making myself vulnerable in any sort of way. And if it got too serious, I would either take off, or become extremely stressed out. I too always have the "what if" questions flying through my head, and I would become very skeptical over any little thing. It is really really hard for me to unconditionally trust a partner. Are you doing anything to try and tackle these issues?

10-06-2010, 05:54 PM
thanks for your replies.
I don't know why my anxiety plays on the trust stuff, makes life really diffult tho. I recently started meds paxil and klonopin- the klonopin is def too much for me- knocks me out even taking 1/4 of a dose- I think the paxil may be starting to help Ive been on it a week. I also start therapy next week which I am looking forward to very much

10-08-2010, 12:36 AM
Yeah I've tried to avoid medication for as long as possible -- just because of the addiction factor and the not-so-awesome side effects. Good luck with your treatment, I hope it works in the end for you.

I've recently started taking Citalopram 10 mg, and that has helped so far (and I've been on it for about a month?). I found, in the beginning, I was suffering from some major insomnia because of it, but then my doctor lowered my dose from 20 mg to 10 mg and I think that has made all the difference with the side effects. It's an anti-depressant, but it is often used to help calm anxiety. I think that, in conjunction with therapy, and taking some time off work for me, has all really helped in getting my spirits back up and not being so afraid/anticipatory all the time. Letting go a little bit, so to speak (which is also needed when you choose to trust someone).

I know everyone is different, but this sort of idea(s) may be an alternative for you if you feel you need to switch things up in order to tackle these issues.