View Full Version : Panic Attacks Are Killing Me

10-05-2010, 06:01 PM
Hi Everyone
I am hoping to find at least one friend here who is going through what I am going through. I have battled depression for 15 years. I have been on Effexor, Prozac and recently Zoloft. The depression seems to be under control and I am so thankful for that however for about 2 years I have been having terrible panic attacks. I feel like I am going to die. The thoughts keep coming and coming. I can't breath and get sweaty. I can't breath and I feel that I am not worth anything. I try not to take a xanax because I know how additive they can be but it seems to be the only thing that helps when I go through a panic attack. Does anybody else have these feelings? Any insite on how I can conquer these attacks. I also think I may have alittle OCD. I constantly think about the same things over and over again and that can sometimes cause a panic attack. Please anyone..... I need some help! Thank you.

10-08-2010, 07:15 PM
summergirl welcome to the forum im terror i know exactly how you feel im in the same way everytime i get anxiety i start to have a panic attack then start to worry my heart goes like mad i think omg im gona die its the worst thing in the world to experiance but you have a freind here who is willing to help and chat anytime you want hun so please try to relax :D

11-28-2010, 03:04 AM
I hear you loud and clear.. I had panic attacks and anxiety 5 years ago and never thought that I would have a repeat preformance. But its all started again recently after my first IVF cycle which followed a miscarriage. My partner things that I am crazy and that makes me feel even worse. I know I'm not crazy, otherwise I wouldn't be trying to get better. Simple things that I would normally do without a problem, now scare me. The only thing that makes me feel better is that I know I have overcome this before and I am striving for that peace once again. It just feels with this condition that there really isn't alot of help out there. When I see my psycologist, its really frustrating, because I don't just want to feel better from this attack, I don't want it to happen again?? A cure rather than a prevention !! when I said that on my last visit, my psychologist almost looked angry at me ??? I had a laugh with one of my beautiful friends the other night ( who I confind it ) and she suffers chronic fatigue, and I said, " So basically we need to be your head on my body and we'll be right." LOL