View Full Version : I don't know what to do.

10-05-2010, 04:42 PM
I suffer from mild emetophobia caused from a traumatic experience when I was 16.

As a result of this my throat is ALWAYS tight and I am always thinking about how my throat feels. It seems like no matter what I do, I am always anxious about my throat and it is always tight. This tight feeling makes me feel like I am going to gag which does'nt help the mild emetophobia I've got going.

I need help. I'm miserable all the time. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, where I am, or who I'm with. I always have this feeling in my throat and I'm always on edge.

I wake up in the morning feeling like I'm going to just have to struggle through another day. I can't stop these obsessive thoughts about my throat and my emet. Nobody else knows about my issues except me. I feel like I'm going in circles.

Please lend me any advice for self-help, ANYTHING to help ease my anxiety and thoughts.

Oh not again
10-05-2010, 06:08 PM
Get Dr. Claire Weekes' Peace From Nervous Suffering book if you can. Or, get some kind of relaxation program tape/CD/download and use it frequently! Thats been the most help to me for my problems. Also, know that you're not alone. There are others who suffer as you do. If you can talk to a trusted friend, clergy person, that might help also. It's always hard to admit to someone else that you have anxiety. I don't know why that's so, but it is. That is the hardest part for me when my anxiety flares, which it's doing now. You can get better!

10-06-2010, 02:34 PM
Yeah, I know it's just a symptom, but the problem is, the symptom is driving my anxiety, this throat tightness has become a constant thing. It's all I can think about. Even when I try to get my mind on other things.

I need to stop obsessing over it and forget about it. That's the only way it's going to go away, but I don't know how to do that. Especially since it's such a distracting symptom : (

10-06-2010, 03:38 PM
Have you had your thyroid tested ??

cheers kev

10-06-2010, 06:51 PM
Hi SCGGirl

Dont know if this will help you, it's just a thought to ponder.

When people are in extreme situations such as road accidents or housefires than can sometimes rescue family members, run like the wind with broken bones, cuts + burns without realising they're in pain. They're mind is so focussed on the task of survival that they dont register the pain.

Similiarly, just as the mind can block out sensations and pain, if it is LOOKING for sensations and pain, it can create them, such as a tight throat but it isn't real. You're throat isn't really tight at all. soz if u allready figured tht :oops:

Have you ever thrown up while ur throat was tight like you describe recently, I expect the answers no. It's a gd thought to focus on. "I won't throw up because I usually don't when I feel this way".

10-07-2010, 07:28 AM
Yeah, I know it's just a symptom, but the problem is, the symptom is driving my anxiety, this throat tightness has become a constant thing. It's all I can think about. Even when I try to get my mind on other things.

I need to stop obsessing over it and forget about it. That's the only way it's going to go away, but I don't know how to do that. Especially since it's such a distracting symptom : ( drink wine!

10-08-2010, 01:46 PM
Relax and breath in and out slowly.

This should relieve the tension in your throat.

10-09-2010, 02:28 AM
Hi SCGirl

I believe I can help you.

First of all I want to reassure you that what you are experiencing is a very common symptom of anxiety. When I suffered from my anxiety disorder I experienced that same constant swelling of the throat as well as numerous other very distressing symptoms.

You MUST understand that all these strange and unpleasant symptoms thoughts and feeling feelings are totally harmless. Your anxiety condition is NOT an illness and it cannot harm you.

There is a very effective method you can use to totally cure your condition. I used this method to cure myself and was so amazed by the results that I dedicated a website to it, which you are welcome to visit.

Take care
That's idea :P