View Full Version : Aaaaaaaaaaaaah, help, too much information

10-05-2010, 01:45 PM

I have today been diagnosed with anxiety by my doctors, they still want to do blood tests t check my thyroid is ok, they advised me that until I can see a 'Mental Health Specialist' I should look online to see if I can find any useful information, however, now I have had a look around I can't seem to find anything that helps. I don't feel that 'breathing' deeply or just going with the anxiety is going to help me. I've found that my anxiety is so bad that today I couldn't actually make it out of the front door to go to my partners birthday meal at his mums house, I've been off of work for 4 weeks now as just getting ready to go into work causes a panic attack that lasts a good half an hour. I just wondered if anyone had any useful advice, I'm getting to the end of my tether now!



10-06-2010, 10:12 AM
I've heard CBT is very helpful, but I don't know much about it! Perhaps you can see if you can find a CBT practitioner in your area!

10-06-2010, 11:50 AM
CBT is working for me. I have been going for over a year now. Work (along with everything else) was no big deal until this anxiety hit. It was like tourture afterward. CBT has helped me understand my thoughts (since that's all they are) and how to deal with them when they come rather than trying to ignore them, which only makes them worse. I have done hard work in exposures where I go places I am uncomfortable with and instead of fleeing, I stay with my anxiety and work with it. Over time this changes the brains way of thinking and how you react. It's a very interesting process and I have had an adventure going through the experience, and seeing myself getting better is just amazing.