View Full Version : When it comes back

Oh not again
10-05-2010, 12:17 PM
I hate it that when anxiety comes back, all the symptoms come back. Not that they were all completely gone, just under control. Now that i've let my anxiety get out of control, all the anxiety/panic disorder symptoms have come back. I guess they've all been creeping up on me and I just haven't paid enough attention to start getting them under control again, I stopped exercising, stopped painting, didn't do my relax routines enough. Knew I was getting crabbier but thought it was from menopause. The stresses build up and jump on you if you don't deal with them I guess. Now I've reminded myself of all the anxiety symptoms and so have them all. Now I just have to remind myself of all the ways to cope with them and do it! What a pain. Thanks for listening (reading) ! One of the hardest parts is admitting that it's baaaaaaack.

10-06-2010, 10:27 AM
Oh yeah, anxiety is often like a boomerang. Just when you think you've gotten rid of it, it comes back!

If you paint as a hobby, that sounds like a great way to focus your mind and do soemthing enjoyable to take your mind off your mind!! Try to get back into it as soon as you can - that should help. :)