View Full Version : Am i alone ?

10-05-2010, 11:35 AM
Hello all, i'm Mike, a 21 year old student from the UK;

i have had anxiety and depression for about 18 months now, but about a week or two ago i lost my next door neighbor and the following day had my third full blown panic attack, and since then nothing has been the same. Whereas i used to worry that i was dying or that i was going mad, i now have the sense that its beyond that and i have lost my sense of reality completely, its hard to put into words but i have these waves of madness where i feel completely insane (i suppose like psychosis but no hallucinations or voices that i have noted) and then cannot remember the hours leading up to them (where i have probably been obsessing over schizophrenia or madness etc ... all the fun stuff). There is something different between this anxiety/feeling of madness, and that which i was suffering before, i always returned to some level of normality previously, but with this its ongoing and i think ive passed the threshold of sanity, i have a docs appointment tomorrow but these last few days have been hell on earth. I have hardly eaten since my panic attack and feel sick everytime i force food down, i woke up this morning after 13 hours sleep, not wanting to wake up and remembered that at 4am i had a very odd experience where i was thinking outside my head, which could of been because i was actually asleep etc etc. Its just all going on atm, and i seem obsessed with the idea of schizophrenia, i think surely noone else can ever have felt completely insane for days ?! because its impossible to deal with !! I know i havent explained it very well, these feelings of madness are not like those in panic attacks, they seem deeper and scarier, like i actually lose it for minutes at a time, whereas whilst it happens im probably just worrying about it not actually living through it .... sorry for the rambling (who would of though im a third year English student eh ?).

would love a empathetic ear, muchos love


10-06-2010, 10:08 AM
Hi there!

I haven't gotten to that point but I know some people get so overwhelmed they come close to having a nervous breakdown. I don't think you're there yet, but you have temporarily let your head get the better of you.

If you were truly nuts, you wouldn't know you were. Crazy people think they're sane - it's everyone else who's crazy (in their minds)! So, since you are concerned about going nuts, that shows you're not there yet. Ha!

I think you'll be fine, but I think you need to speak to someone who can help you sort out your feelings. I know how you feel - my uncle died recently and I've been having issues ever since!!

10-18-2010, 12:25 PM
hi micro 26.i to have this terrible fear of schizophrenia and mine was caused by an adverse reaction to marajuana. do you know what satrted your fear of schizophrenia?i have dealt with this for the past 3 years and it has been the hardest years of my life so far.i have been diagnosed with anxiety,ocd, depression and ptsd but at times i have been convinced i was developing schizophrenia as i felf absolutly crazy and 'out of my self',.has anybody else experienced anything similar?

10-18-2010, 12:47 PM
Hi Micro,

It sounds really hectic, I am so sorry that you are going through this.

I was just wondering, could things not maybe be coming to a point where you are ready to fall apart and then the worst will be over? Does that make sense? I find that my anxiety gets worse and worse, up to the point where I wake up in an absolutely terrifying state one day. For about 2 days I walk around thinking this is it, I'm done for, I'm sitting on the madhouse steps waiting to be locked away. I spend those days crying and falling apart, and then I wake up one morning.. and I am fine. Absolutely fine. It's like your body and mind needs that release. I could be way off track here but maybe losing your neighbour is sitting in your soul and you need to have a good cry / mini-breakdown to deal with it?

I am not sure about the feeling crazy thoughts, I've noticed that a lot of people on here have had to deal with it at some point. But your situation sounds more intense? I've been afraid of going crazy, but never actually felt that I am crazy. Maybe a little unstable, emotionally but not schizophrenic or anything.

Let us know what the doc says, I sincerely hope you can get out of this state of mind soon!

Good luck and hope to talk soon.


10-18-2010, 07:28 PM
I'm going through this now. It's very decouraging and makes my anxiety and depression worse.

Is it possible to feel derealization with people close to you? I find it very alarming that I'm starting to feel like I don't even know the people closest to me like my friends, family and girlfriend.

I then think about the times when I was completely anxiety free and get depressed that those times are gone and feel like it's hopeless.

I've tried every method I could think of - not thinking about it, thinking about something else, analyzing what i'm so afraid and realizing it's not a big deal but in the end, it seems only like a band-aid solution that lasts for a few days maybe a week then it all comes rushing back.

I haven't and refuse to go on medication because I truly believe that will cause more harm than good.

I'm very curious about the amino acid and magnesium chloride stuff going on in the other thread but have no idea what specific product or dosage to take.

Probably a dumb question but is there any way you can naturally inject some sort of "feel good" chemicals in your body lol? I feel that if I start naturally just feeling better then I can use that as a spring and start the road to a full recovery.

10-18-2010, 07:33 PM
Hi guys...what's up?

I see most of you going through some issues now.

One thing I would encourage you to do is to write down all the stuff you think about so that you can get some distance from it.

You can also work on interrupting these patterns by doing something insane when you feel the emotions starting.

Just a couple of options for ya. I've got a bunch more, but i think that's a good start.

10-19-2010, 10:33 AM
OK, Mike, where are ya? We are answering your posts and it's been 2 weeks since you've shown up... It would be proper to make a peep or two. :)