View Full Version : Feeling better, apart from deppression?

10-04-2010, 11:11 AM
So after being on quite intense anxiety for over two months now, I've realized I feel a lot better every week. I don't notice it completely, but I don't really think of my anxiety as much anymore as a problem or feel it as physically as I used to. I look back every week thinking that the feeling is deffenetly becoming less of a issue. I still notice that my vision seems to be more blurry then it should be, and now notice that my motivation has died. As I don't really feel up to doing anything much in life as I used to because I think of how easily the anxiety made me feel like my life was ruined, it deffently brought me down a lot. I realized I'm deppressed these days and don't feel like doing anything, but wouldn't think of it as anxiety that much anymore. Sure I still stress about things and about the feeling returning at times, but now it just seems like everything is completely pointless all of the sudden. I'm wondering if my mind being overstressed for so long messed with my positive moods since I used to be a fairly positive person, now I feel almost no happiness or motivation in anything. Everything I do feels zombie like.

Has anyone else gone through this, and does it fade in time as my brain decides to start functioning normally again?

10-04-2010, 11:27 AM
i think this sounds like a fase to me. are u sleeping ok?? iv just got back from the drīs as iv been depressed for weeks and havnt been able to sleep without tablets. i didnt know which one was causing what-so whether i was depressed cos of lack of sleep or cant sleep cos im depressed, im pretty sure that im depressed due to not sleeping as last night i took my sleeping tablets and feel ok today, but then again tomoro could be a different story. just try to stick at it and take each day as it come, when im havning a bad bad day take each hour as it comes. also i find im at my worst when im on my own as my braid and thoughts go mad and makes me worse, when ur around others(not negative people or people who make u feel bad) u tend to get disracted from ur thoughts and douts and and u actually feel ok so maybe give that a go mke a load of plans with friends ect. hope u feel better soon, try and keep smiling!! :)