View Full Version : What scares YOU the most?

10-04-2010, 08:48 AM
With your anxiety? The thing that scares me the most is every morning I wake with either #1. heaviness in chest..I burp alot and it will get some better but I can still feel it or #2. my heart is beating really fast probably 100 bpm. Anyone experience this as a sign of anxiety?

The othet thing is the fact I feel dizzy alot..but it has actually gotten somewhat better :) which I am proud of...

SO What symptoms of your anxiety scare YOU the MOST? I would love to hear everyone else's answers.

10-04-2010, 01:44 PM
When my anxiety first started it was because of a bad LSD (Acid) trip. I felt like anything I consumed that I didnt personally make myself might have LSD in it without my knowing. I was terrified of being dosed with acid without knowing it. So bad that I would sometimes make myself think that I was tripping while having no real basis to my thoughts. I got over that quick though.
Now the thing that scares me the most is the feeling that I get sometimes that I might go crazy. With my family that loves me and my lovely girlfriend I would never want that to happen. I am truely happy and I dont want anything to ruin it. Once I feel like i might go crazy I tell myself that it wont happen, that there has never been an axiety related psychosis case. It was hard at first and now its better.
I also get the feeling of my heart racing as well as the heaviness of my chest. Im glad things are starting to get better for you. Keep up the work and I know we can all get better.

10-04-2010, 03:17 PM

It is like I read someplace on here, we sometimes may think or feel we are going crazy..but TRULY crazy people just GO crazy..not thinking about that they are "going to go crazy"

10-05-2010, 08:46 PM
Trouble breathing.! Lately I have had a lot of trouble breathing feelin like I'm not getting enough breath and when I start to worry about it I feel like I have to force myself to breathe like my body can't automatically do it! Its terrifying! Its actually happening to me right now! :shock: