View Full Version : Mental Haze/Forgetfulness/Memory Issue

10-03-2010, 11:59 PM
I understand anxiety, its symptoms...and try to understand the attacks when it happens, which have lessened to only twice a week now, and not 3-4 times a day.
But what gets me...is the mental block I constantly have. I can't remember 5 minutes ago, or even hours ago. I forgot what I ate during the day. I forget who I may have talked to, and worst off...I forget what I am supposed to do that day.
I read up on how stress and anxiety can cause the mind to release more...Cortisol? or something, to ....im not sure its real reason.
And our mind is too focused on our own inner emotions than to realize reality. I dont know. Didnt make much sense to me.
Can somebody who has these experiences help me understand a bit more about it? If its even anxiety related?

10-04-2010, 03:39 PM
Dude, I forget words right in the middle of a sentence, even simple words like "refrigerator" and whatnot. I don't know why this happens, apart from our brains being pooped from worrying, but it's scary sometimes!! You are definitely not alone!!

10-04-2010, 06:37 PM
This is a common symptom of anxiety. I used to experience the same thing. Sometimes you feel disassociated from your own body. It's easy to also forgot words etc.

Thankfully it passes :)

Wishing you well

cave dweller
10-06-2010, 09:39 AM
...sometimes when writing essays, i'll read a sentence and attempt to paraphrase it after. Only one out of five times can I actually get it down before I forget what it was, when I do remember I have to type it very quickly... often I get panicked about the panick of forgetting it and end up forgetting it anyway. After that I have to take deep breaths to relax, and then I think my relaxing is going to stop me from concentrating so I start panicking! frustrating!!!...