Head Cosy
10-04-2010, 12:55 AM
Not entirely sure what to write here, I'm not terribly good at introductions be they online or offline. In short I'm a nineteen year old University student. Due to my own shyness I've had general social anxieties since I was around thirteen. They became problematic when I turned sixteen. I got CBT for that and two years went by without any worries. This year was fine up until July. Since then I've been battling a recent spike in panic attacks and terribly anxious feelings. I'm supposed to be starting CBT again on Tuesday.
Not gonna lie, I joined on impulse after googling 'Anxiety Forums' after having a panic attack of the 'I'm Going To Die Right Now' variety. A friend suggested I do something like this a few nights ago, but I never got around to it. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Here's hoping that lurking about and posting often helps in some shape or form.
Not entirely sure what to write here, I'm not terribly good at introductions be they online or offline. In short I'm a nineteen year old University student. Due to my own shyness I've had general social anxieties since I was around thirteen. They became problematic when I turned sixteen. I got CBT for that and two years went by without any worries. This year was fine up until July. Since then I've been battling a recent spike in panic attacks and terribly anxious feelings. I'm supposed to be starting CBT again on Tuesday.
Not gonna lie, I joined on impulse after googling 'Anxiety Forums' after having a panic attack of the 'I'm Going To Die Right Now' variety. A friend suggested I do something like this a few nights ago, but I never got around to it. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Here's hoping that lurking about and posting often helps in some shape or form.