View Full Version : how do i tel my dr i need help? or anyone for that matter

09-30-2010, 03:36 PM
iv self diagnosed myself with GAD and used to have panick attacks when i was younger-not so much now tho i just seem to worry a hel of alot about health issues and i think i haver some sort of depression. i have no reason to be depressed if anything i have a better life than some others eg family,friends wealth ect but im just not happy. cant stop crying uncontrolably for no reason sometimes, seems like im never guna enjoy life and feeling this crap is awful! i havnt slept properly in about month and been on lorazipan 1mg tablets to help me sleep but then heard they were really bad for u so now im too scaed to take them which means no sleep at al. i find it so hard to tel people around me how i feel, they al no iv always been abit of a worrier but not to this extent....i feel like people dont understand or wil think im weird, iv never been to a dr about it before but called them today to book an appointment but they cant see me for days and i dont want to wait. somtimes i just wana cry out for help and for people to care but i no what im like for some reason when im around people i seem to automatically put on a brave face so no one even knows anything is wrong.....or unles im just genuenly ok around others and on my own is when its a problem i dont know. just seems like theres nothing to look forward to and no light at the end of the tunnel,positive thinking can be so hard for me to do but i do try but seem to fail at that too. what can i say to my dr? wil they think im just being silly and wont take me seriously? i find it hard to talk in person sometimes but i know i need some sort of help

any advice pls? x

09-30-2010, 08:54 PM
What you could do instead of just coming into the dr and saying "I HAVE ANXIETY" Just tell him or her your symptoms and tell them you feel anxious alot and etc etc,any dr with half a brain should diagnose you. The ONLY problem with that is they will try to medicate you.

I have went to the dr 2 times (once when I was about 20) and a month ago (I am 27 now) I got over my anxiety but with our daughter passing away, it came back.

I personally (nothing personal against those who DO take meds) just do not like meds.,I feel they all lead to other issues. why would I want to say for example :take away my anxiety, but raise my blood pressure(which is low) and my cholesterol (also low) and possibly develop heart issues, or other issues...I rather have the dizziness,heart palps.,fear then any REAL medical issue...

09-30-2010, 10:56 PM
I personally (nothing personal against those who DO take meds) just do not like meds.,I feel they all lead to other issues. why would I want to say for example :take away my anxiety, but raise my blood pressure(which is low) and my cholesterol (also low) and possibly develop heart issues, or other issues...I rather have the dizziness,heart palps.,fear then any REAL medical issue...

And that's assuming that it actually takes away your anxiety. For SO many people, the anxiety may be reduced, but still at an unacceptable level. For others, the anxiety is not reduced, and sometimes even INCREASED. Of course, side effects are a whole other matter, and can make being medicated WORSE than the condition you are dealing with. This is especially true if your anxiety is not extremely serious. However, side effects such as weight gain, loss of sexual desire, drowsiness, nausea, 'spaciness', loss of ability to feel emotion, and insomnia tend to be MUCH more common than increased blood pressure and cholesterol (although the weight gain could very well cause increased blood pressure and cholesterol).