View Full Version : Have i got Anxiety?

09-30-2010, 01:27 PM
Hi new on here

Just wanted to see if i have got Anxiety
After reading a few post on here i think i have

Its going back to say the satrt of last mounth when i have back ache, then that turned into a sort of pain on my left side below my ribs( these may be work related though) then that settled down.

I work as a self employed carpenter and have been realy busy for th last 3 mounths, and all of August worked 7 day weeks. then one day i worked a Sunday and was at work and got realy hungry but worked on, then when i got home i ate quickly to go and meet friends at the pub, but when i got there i didn't want to be there and got realy like paranoid and had to walk home straight to bed.

Ever since then i have like a lighgt headed feeling and a feeling in my legs and feel like my upper body is shaking slightly. this only realy happens when i am at home and relaxing lying down. but after i have like 30 mins quiet i am normaly o.k again.( its not happened that many times but enough to be scary)sometimes i get angry and dont want to talk to anyone and become quiet snaapy, but again o.k 30 mins later

i also had like a pulsing feeling to my right under my ribs which was scary, and like a feeling od air moving around in my stomach and after going to the doctors he has sent me to have a EGR (think thats what it called) and a chest x-ray whick are both tommorrow

i think alot of it is stress due to a few familt matters, and a couple of stressful weddings, but manly due to my work load recently but have had a steady couple of weeks and not been so bad

I think i may have a Anxiety but just though i would check with you guys
and is it like you can have mild Anxiety if that makes sense, i say that because it seems some people have it realy bad on here :(

Cheers in advance

P.S forum is realy good and very imformative

09-30-2010, 02:41 PM
Hi kirkster,

It is really difficult to say if your problems are anxiety based, probably best to get checked out for other causes first.

Is it an ecg you are having at the hospital?

If the ecg and chest x rays are normal with no cause for concern then maybe it is anxiety based.

I myself have a lot of issues with heart problems and have had all the tests and the cardiologist puts my problems down to my anxiety disorder which I have suffered with for years.

Hope it works out ok for you.


09-30-2010, 03:50 PM
Hi Andrew,

Cheers for the response
Yeah it is an ecg ath the doctors tommorow and then x ray at the hospital in the afternoon. but the results from the x ray wont be at the doctors until 2 weeks so he tells me so i will have to wait

How is the best way to overcome Anxiety, rest? or does it never go?


09-30-2010, 04:11 PM
Howdy kirkster

Go and get your test done and then when they come back OK .

Relax and give yourself some rest . Many people here are stuck in a circle because what first caused their stress they have now forgotten about and the fear they feel from the symptoms of that stress is now feeding that anxiety .

How is the best way to overcome Anxiety, rest? or does it never go?

First of i don't believe that anxiety is a disorder , the thinking becomes ingrained but it is not a physical thing like other medical condition and yes it will go away . Anxiety is a reaction of emotion and nothing more . If you are sick then your moods change . If you are sick and worry because of not knowing or believing what is happening then of course you will react with fear . Get your tests done and when the doctors says that you are stressed or you have been pushing it to hard then go and fix it . Go and relax , drop your load for a while and have a rest . The symptoms will stay for a while until your body settles so just keep telling yourself that it is just stress and nothing more . DO NOT feed it with crap thoughts about what if its this or that.

You will get better but you have to work on reducing the stress you are under. Once you do that you will return to your normal happy self .

cheers kev :D

09-30-2010, 04:27 PM
Cheers kev,

Good advice, along with your other posts i have ready, realy good advice.
I am sure it is all down to stress but will wait till the results come back. i have also started to walk away from stressful situations and go back to them later if need be, it just aint worth it,

Will let ua no how i get on,
