View Full Version : freaked out ekkk

09-30-2010, 04:25 AM
So I had two boderline abnormal ekg and a heart holter that was perfect results last week but just woke to pain in palm side of arm where elbow joint is now I'm freaked.. I go for ecg today but not for another ten hrs from now...its 5am here... I am hurtin no where else. Does it sound heart related help eeekk freakin out

09-30-2010, 07:55 AM
Hi jj1983,

Not sure if this will be any help but I have been through the mill thinking I have heart problems for many years.

I have had many tests over the years but recently went to my doctor again complaining of arm pain which I thought was coming from my heart.
I had ecg and then a treadmill ecg just a few weeks ago.

My cardiologist has said he is certain it is my anxiety that is my main problem and not my heart, but I still worry myself sick about it.

Along with other phsychiatric meds I have now been put on a beta blocker, my gp said it will help with anxiety but will also help the heart to beat slower so if I am worried about my heart then the beta blocker should help.


09-30-2010, 08:14 AM
Thanks for that advice. My left arm stopped hurting and i went to sleep for hr woke up to heart beating atleast 100 beats per min,then it went away now my jaw hurts...is all this anxiety caused?

09-30-2010, 08:16 AM
is much appreciate in my "time of desperate need" i am supposed to have echo done today in 6 hrs and maybe getting antsy,but my JAW???Thats a new one

09-30-2010, 09:50 AM
Duda, classic anxiety for the jaw pain. I just started getting this one recently myself. Anxiety can cause new little surprises to spring up, and we are SURE that THIS TIME it really means something!!

Inside the elbow, I think I have had that before but can't quite recall.

Either way, you are a bundle of nerves and you are surely going to have symptoms one way or another. Watch a funny movie before you get your EKG done - Dumb & Dumber, What About Bob, etc. :)

09-30-2010, 03:25 PM
i get jaw related problems quite alot, not so much pain but it gets really stiff mainly when im that anxious or upset and im reduced to tears its just seems to lock up and feel so uncomfortable and i find it hard to just ´relax´my jaw its very annoying but all normal. i understand what u mean by the heart thing tho, thats my main anxiety problem is that im always worrying something is wrong with my heart, i get chest pains quite alot and they tend to go away fairl quickly but at the time i just become so scared and cant get horrible thoughs about dying out of my head. i havnt had any tests for years now and i havnt even seen a doctor about my anxiety cos im too scared theyl just not care and put me on drugs which i dont want or that they dont no what they´re on about and say im fine when im not. i find it hard to tel the difference between anxiety and general problems cos they al seem the same so how do u know??

i feel for u tho i no how crap it feels and everyday im in tears cos of it and so depressed.im sure ur test wil be fine tho just try and be positive

let us no how u get on ok :)


09-30-2010, 03:59 PM


I tell you some of the people here need to be giving a good shake and a kick up the butt.

You said the other day

[b]I just got my 24 hr heart holter test results back and it was PERFECT

and So what do you do now ??

NEVER EVER EVER EVER GIVE IT ANOTHER THOUGHT . You heart is fine and it is proved so if down that track you get a little feeling

And what do you do ?? You move onto the next things . GRRRRRRRRRRR :evil:


Repeat this saying every day 100 times a day untill you get it in your head that it is what it is and that it will pass . No amount of worrying over any test is going to change the outcome and that worry is wasted time .

Your brain reads one things from all this . WORRY HEART then it panics .

I am not kidding if you want to get past anxiety then you need to tell yourself every time that that is all it is , that it is only chemicals flowing though your body and when you relax these chemicals will stop . If you keep worrying about things that you have no control on the outcome then you will keep these chemicals going .

It doesn't matter if you don't believe that it is all anxiety at the time , If you say that saying again and again your brain will start to believe it . Your brain only believes what you tell it . It cannot tell the difference between real and a thought .

Think about what you are telling your brain ????

cheers kev :D

09-30-2010, 05:50 PM
I was actually reading that post too as a matter of fact.
I got the echocardiogram done..I thought it was an ECG but that is an electricardiogram. The echo is better according to the xray tech who did it.

The hospital sends it to the dr. who will be back Monday, and then I find out and can know for sure.

This morning was bad.I felt terrible ever since... but the jaw pain DID go away once I drank some hot tea and took a melatonin.

09-30-2010, 05:51 PM
You are right, I prob do need a good kick in the butt too hahaha! I would agree with that myself :)