View Full Version : over did it on sunbed-now really scared?

09-30-2010, 02:24 AM
i flew back to england yesterday after spending the summer in spain, iv been feeling crap for quite a while so thought id try to cheer myself up by doing some shopping with my sister and after i went on a sunbed to try and top my tan up,i went on for 14minutes which normaly i think would be ok for me but they´ve changed the bars quite recently which makes them stronger, so anyways iv burnt myself and it hurts! my bum and back mainly....iv got quite a few little freckley/mole type things on my back and im honestly really worried now that iv over done it completly and going to get skin cancer!! what are the signs of this? and how quick does it develop? should i go striaght to the doctors or wait a while.

sorry if this sounds silly but i really am worried about this

thank u x

09-30-2010, 11:01 PM
Although tanning beds are certainly not the healthiest thing in the world (they are said to be ALOT worse than real sunlight), one session of overdoing it slightly is not going to cause skin cancer. Skin cancer is caused more by longer term, cumulative UV exposure. But if tanning beds are a regular part of your life, you may want to reconsider it and check yourself carefully. Generally, large moles (larger than a pencil eraser) tend to indicate a problem, ESPECIALLY if the border is irregular. If you see anything like this, you probably want to see a doctor.