View Full Version : any one had this

09-29-2010, 02:14 PM
I am scared.... every night when i fall asleep. right when i get to the point where i am almost gone my eyes jolt open and i feel like i cannot breathe and i stopped breathing in my sleep. Anxiety cannot get the best of me during the day so now its creeping up when i least expect it ... anyone had this?

09-29-2010, 02:26 PM
Yes, I have had this..more than once. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said its not getting to you during the day but yet in your sleep. It rears its ugly head until we are forced to deal with it. Try some meditation exercises before bed...this helps me sometimes.

09-29-2010, 03:01 PM
HI Mamma

anyone had this

Yep everyone on the planet . Believe it or not . There is a name for it and i think it is called myclonic jerks and dont go googling it .

They are very harmless and i think are caused by the body being shocked into waking when it is starting to get into sleep they are very common with anxiety.

I agree with eac4 try the mediation before you sleep and it should just let you drift of slowly into sleep .

cheers kev

09-30-2010, 10:08 AM
My best friend has this! It was really bad for a while but it seems to have gotten better. This started after she lost her 2 beloved dogs. It is stress-related.

09-30-2010, 10:16 AM
i think it is called myclonic jerks

I think that's something different. This is muscle/nerve-related when a part of your body jerks, which happens to some as they are falling asleep/at night, but it can happen during the day as well. I think the poster is talking about being psychologically jolted awake and feeling he is suffocating. I may have heard the name of it before but I can't remember. I would say that it is similar to a sleep paralysis.