View Full Version : I might have it all figured out!! Feedback PLEASE! :D

09-28-2010, 09:04 PM
Okay guys. I'm 17. I've had this anxiety stuff for about 3 and a half months. And I think I have my anxiety figured out. I think I know what caused it, and I have an idea on how to reverse my anxiety and become normal again :D haha.

Okay so here it is...At about early march of this year, I began smoking marijuana. Only 2 days out of a 7 day week. But during those 2 days I would smoke about 3 times a day. So that's 4-6 times a week. And before you guys judge me, I'm very educated and I made my decision to smoke, NOT based on peer pressure, and I wasn't depressed or emotionally confused. I gave up on marijuana as soon as I began feeling anxiety symptoms.

Now, I know when people smoke, their paranoia levels increase and anxiety during the high is rather common. And I was aware of that. But when I was high, and when I was sober, I would blame any ache, pain, or irregularity, on the marijuana use. And I'm a health conscious person. I wish to be healthy, so anything that goes wrong with me is focused on. When I was high, at random times I would worry about my health. But it wouldn't be my main focus. I would also like to add, when I learned it was anxiety, I smoked one last time, and had the worst panic attack I've experienced the next day.

So, I believe the marijuana use is what caused my anxiety.

Now, my idea to reverse the anxiety involves marijuana. My idea is to smoke marijuana when I'm doing something (playing video games, guitar, watching a movie, anything), so I don't focus on my anxiety. And after my high is over and if I don't have a panic attack, I will be convinced that the weed doesn't hurt me and it's all in my head. Resulting in anxiety relief :D

WOW! I hope that's not too confusing. And I know that was a lot, but please read it and give me some feedback :) thank you guys so much. This forum also helps me with my anxiety, so again, thank you guys so much :)

09-29-2010, 01:15 PM
Erm, yeeeeah...not a good idea, my friend. ;)

09-30-2010, 07:13 AM
Bit of a logical leap dude! If I were you I wouldn't be testing that theory any time soon.

09-30-2010, 03:34 PM
gahhhh!! It was worth a shot. I haven't tried it, and now I'm kind of swaying away from that plan.

I'm just trying to think of anyway I can get rid of my anxiety. It's VERY annoying. I know it's anxiety. It's all in my head, I know that, and I can't get it out! I have a cardiologist appointment coming up to make sure it's nothing heart related. And after that, I guess a psychologist is the way I have to go. If my parents want to spend that kind of money...