View Full Version : Women please help

09-28-2010, 01:05 PM
Hi all

Ive been suffering from anxiety for about 2 months now all started after i unfortuantly had a miscarraige in July :(
My anxiety is getting better im having my good days and bad days, but i havent had a period since i lost the baby i no it can take 4-6 weeks after a miscarraige to have a normal period but can anxiety stop your periods im worrying about this now.

Please help i would be very gratefull, thanx xx

09-28-2010, 02:19 PM
While I have had anxiety all my life because of childhood and what not, I only recongized/got diagnosed what it was last April 2009.
I have had a miscarriage as well, and went through all the guilt, nerves, worrying about next pregnancy ect. I was like that for a while and I understand.
Well, with the period thing. I have had the worst anxiety of my entire life this past year and a half. There was one month where I thought I was pregnant because my period was 15 days late and I was "never late." Then I had 2 periods in 20 days. It was wacked out for a long time. I finally went to the Dr. (I was already receiving therapy) and she tested me for stuff and concluded it was "just anxiety"...same diagnosis as the heart Doc gave me :oops:
I have also found that the week before period time an anxiety/heart skips ect. are 10 fold. Hormones and strong emotions can definietly effect our cycles.

09-28-2010, 08:51 PM
so sorry about your lose i have 2 kids myself. two of my friends had a miscarriage both were about 12 weeks one of my friends didnt have a period for 2 years and the other 3 months there both doing good now one has anxiety and the other is pregnant again and is having other health issues but not related to prenancy. hope this helps

09-29-2010, 05:04 PM
I just wanted to say that I DO understand. We lost our baby at 3 1/2 months of age. Since then my anxiety has been out the roof and I get paranoid about getting pregnant again

09-30-2010, 05:52 PM
Sorry, no one should have to go through this.

About your periods

Have they scanned your ovaries since?

You could have poly cystic ovaries, it took them well over a year to diagnose me, juse kept telling me anxiety anxiety, which yes I have, but I dont know if its hormone caused or caused by me worrying too much about everything body feels, I had no period for 18 monthish had 1 since( they told me stress related ), and unfortunatly misscarriges is a common thing for women with PCOS, so why not ask your GP to look in to that for you, blood tests and ultra sound of your ovaries, as you can have the effects but not the cysts present if that makes sense?

Rule out health issue before you assume its anxiety caused.

Eat healither, exercise more ( if you dont already )

And if you dont have PCOS or a hormonal problem, calm down, dont put yourself through hell, it wont change the past, help yourself get better for your future children dont make yourself worse :(

As for your anxiety, thats always going to be there, will get better with time and you will be scared, there is no escape, but take control of it not the other way round.

Good luck and take care Rachel!

09-30-2010, 11:40 PM

I agree with everything Bloo just posted. I too have severe PCOS and have had 5 miscarriages :( but l also have 2 beautiful kids. My monthly always plays up when my anxiety is at its worst. As hard as it is you really do have to try and relax ( i know, easier said then done) lt will take a little bit for your cycle to return to normal, but it will, just go to doc and get a scan done this will also help l think.
I am sorry for your miscarriage

10-01-2010, 12:21 AM
Hi, I know the pain and worry of a miscarriage all too well I lost my baby at 10 weeks however am now a mum of 5! You will be ok you will get over this, you will be a mum. I also know medically about this as I worked in the emergency pregnancy department of a hospitals a & e for quite some time! (yep nurses get anxiety too!) no matter how brief ur pregnancy was it can take at least 6 months for your body's hormone levels to settle again. At the hospital we always reccommended that people waiyted at least three months before trying to concieve again. A miscarriage can be a big shock physically as well, ur body had gone into hybernation mode ready to house a baby for 9 months, when sadly that doesn't happen it can take some time for the body to 'realise' hence the delay of your period. If before this happened u had regular periods then I would rule out polycystic ovaries. It's far too early too think anything is wrong with you. Miscarriages are so sad and so traumatic and so very personal and you need to give your body and your mind (and your heart) time to heal. Sincerely sending you lots of love and peace. X

10-01-2010, 01:15 PM

I have had everything scanned as when i was pregnant they thought that i had an ectopic pregnancy even though it wasnt, so had my ovaries and uterus and cervix closely scanned! Absoultly nothing wrong with that department but still bloody worries me about my period! hopefully it will arrive soon but i suppose the more i stress/worry about it the longer it will take to come ay xx

10-03-2010, 09:13 PM
Hi Rachel,

I am so sorry this has happened to you :(. This is very simple but drinking more water always helps because it rehydrates your energy system (we consist of about 70% water). Most Americans are severely dehydrated and do not know it! Some exercise such as walks are always great since it releases endorphins.